ch. 7 - protecc

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"I love my new life :)" you say to yourself.

Everything is going as planned.
Taehyung treats you like a queen. You mean the whole world to him. You are the love of his life.

Taehyung's POV
"yah Y/N come on! let's watch this movie!!" I tell her.

"I'm scared Taeee! You know I hate horror films" Y/N says.

I know very well how much she hates scary movies. That is why I chose it for today.

She's so cute when she gets scared.

"Come on! I'll protect you. You know I would never let anything bad happen to you."

She comes and curls in my lap. We are basically cuddling.

She is the cutest. I'm soft. I must protecc her at all costs. I never want to lose her.

Your POV

Honestly I was so terrified. I absolutely hate scary movies.

Tae made me feels safe though. He made me feel like nothing bad could ever happen to me.

Taehyung makes me feel something I can not explain. I love him so much.

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