ch. 27 - love

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"Awww..  baby ..  you even look cute when you're bald. I told you , nothing can ever look bad on you."

Says Tae as he walks in the room with gifts.

You chuckle.

"Here I bought you some more things."

"Tae stop .. you're always buying me things , I have enough stuffed animals and chocolate already!"

"I know, I know .. I just want to see my baby girl happy."

You smile.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

6 months later

10:00 am . Saturday

"Goodmorning, Y/N it's time for your daily dose."

You are already awake , watching TV.

"Good morning Nurse Alex! Yes, i'm so ready. Only 6 months left !!"

"Yes that is correct. Only 6 months left." Says Nurse Alex in a shaky voice.

"Oh?.. Alex.. are you okay?"

"Yes, yes i'm fine. I just had some rough news told to me earlier."

"Oh my.. i'm so sorry."

"No , it's fine , it's nothing really."

*knock knock*

"Oh it must be your loving boyfriend , he's such a sweetheart."


"Taehyung ! Hello ! Don't tell me you bought me more gifts , I told you I don't need any more , you do enough for me already , I can't love you any more that I already do."

"Oh my gosh you're so cute... -No, I didn't get you any more gifts this time. I kind of.. sold out the stores sales"


You all laugh.

"I only came to eat breakfast with you , it's Saturday! I don't work on Saturdays so I came to enjoy breakfast with my sweetie."

Nurse Alex smiles.

"Oh what a cutie."

"I'll head out now , I'll be back for a checkup soon Y/N!"

"Of course , thank-you Alex , for all that you do."
Taehyung is always so kind to you. He is the best boyfriend a girl could ask for.

Everyday he eats lunch with you and on Saturdays it's a bonus breakfast since he doesn't work.

He works every weekday and right after work he heads to the hospital and spends the night with you.

He works very hard to pay off the hospital bills which are quite expensive, but he doesn't mind as long as you are better.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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