Dreams and memories (style)

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Hi this is the first time for me be writing a story. So please read and then divide whether you like it or not. This is a style fanfic = Stan*seme Kyle*uke ( if you don't know what uke and seme is go look it up and sorry for the guys who like it the opposite )

the naughty stuff will be saved for last 😏

Enjoy 😙

Oh and they are in 8th grade now

Warning! this is a boy x boy story

It was a boring day on summer vacation. Eric Cartman who was now standing beside a stop sigh where the others stand by to go to school, he was waiting for Kenny ,Stan,and not expecting any appearance of Kyle.

He was fat compared to others, his hair was like usual he didn't like wearing hats and gloves.He started realizing his feelings for Wendy.

while he thought of her Kenny appeared, then Stan came after a couple of seconds.

"Ummmm... guys what should we do?"

Said Stan looking bored as usual .

"Mmmmfffmmm" "what?" Kenny toke his hood off and spoke again " I said we should wait for Kyle ..isn't he coming?" Kenny never got used to the hotness of summer in South Park so he toke his hood off when he got sweaty

"well" Stan began "he is still sleeping apparently he went out with his parents yesterday and he just 3 hours ago went to sleep.so I think we should leave him for today" Kenny noticed stan had a worried expression on his face, but Kenny shrugged it off .

"Ehm.." The two friends looked at the source of attention "yeh guys .... let's leave that f***ing Jew by himself and go to the water park" "it's freaking hot".

They all decided to go get there stuff ready and go swimming .

^^at Kyle's room^^

There was a slightly short boy with red hair that curled in a cute way around his ears and head. Kyle was now 14 years old, but his looks spoke differently. he looked like he was a 12 year old boy. everybody teased him about it except Stan and the girls they thought it was so cute. enough of that, that small boy was having a little hard time sleeping it looked like he was having an uncomfortable dream.

(Inside Kyle's dream)

P.O.V Kyle

Huh what's going on why isn't anybody here? it's a Monday and it's summer break. On top of that no one's at the usual spot. I thought at least Stan would be here....... could it be they abandoned me?!?! pfffftttt no way! I should go look for them somebody might have kidnaped them, but I should leave Cartman he deserves it. I should go to the tweak's cafe shop and ask about them .

"Hello!" said a woman with a sweet expression. oh she's tweek's mom I should ask her " ma'am have you see my friends anywhere around?" "oh you mean those two good looking kids with the fat one?" "yes" it was true they we're so looking after going through puberty

Stan became a man that a girl would dream of ,while some thought of Kenny like a player ,while he really wasn't but he IS a pervert .

"oh I saw that kid with black hair at Starks pond while I was taking a walk " "thank you" " any time"

I started running towards Starks pond. I am a part of the track and field club I got some fast legs but that is reduced to the fact that my legs are short oh well. I was there in a matter of minutes (like 10 to 15 mins)

I saw Stan there suddenly I remembered that time when Wendy broke up with him it was the beginning of the summer when we graduated from elementary school. I remember that day so much that it repeats sometimes in my mind. that day was cold for the beginning of summer ,Stan was siting on a log beside the now not so icy pond he look sad not just sad he was in a terrible condition it was like he was stabbed in the heart .

I approached him slowly, he noticed me nearby. When I was at least half a meter away he grabbed my hand gently but it still startled me. he then grabbed me and hugged me so tightly that I felt his arm almost crush me. I felt something was wrong ,he looked like he was on the verge of tears that were going to flow like a river. Then he spoke "Kyle...they won't come out ..they won't" I understood but what I didn't know was what was making him so sad

"Dude what happened " I spoke as low as I could but as loud to make him hear me "it's ......." he is hesitant "don't worry I won't laugh "it's Wendy we broke up ......I am sad but still the tears won't come out" "it's like I don't care" he whisper the last part. he and Wendy didn't spend a lot of time the last two years as they were in 4th grade. it made me so sad to see him in a state like that so I decided to cheer him up even if it's a little. "Stan do you still love her?" I asked boldly "I don't know but I feel these feeling have disappeared I don't know .......I just don't know"

To be continued

I am so sorry for making you read all this

And 1 more thing Kyle and Stan are not wearing hats on summer

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