Beginings and fights part 2

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I am so lazy to even write a chapter sorry.


While the two adults chatted a little girl came and pulled Sharon's face so she can look at her.

"Ah Shelly! what's wrong" the girl called Shelly just stared blankly like she was waiting for something.

Then Sharon realized what Shelly wanted then she stood up and said " Sheila this my daughter Shelly you have met her before, I am just going to talk to her over there for a sec."

Sharon looked at Shelly waiting for a response. " dad is going for a trip with us " 'the girl is seven years old of course she would understand these stuff' Sharon though it maybe a surprise or something.

"Who told you that?" Sharon never thought that she would go on a trip so soon. "I herd dad talking to someone on the phone" a surprised face finally appeared.

'Who would he be taking to about traveling?' 'I never heard him even mention anyone of his friends before' 'he might of been taking to a woman' 'or he turned gay and doesn't want to spend time with me' 'wait!' "what the hell.' Sharon face palmed and then one more thought occurred 'I am way too suspicious of him, I need to stop'

Shelly looked at her mother and laughed at her silently while she made those sly faces."what?" Sharon asked. then Shelly flew upstairs.

"Sorry I was caught up in the conversation." Said Sharon

"It's okay"

......(in Stan's room)

Shelly waked in making sure she didn't make any noise. she had a cup in her hand. it was filled with water.

She got closer and closer.


Shelly tripped on some kind of toy. The water drowned the bed, especially Kyle's side of the bed.

Shelly panicked. then ran to another room. Stan and Kyle woke up from all the ruckus Shelly made. Stan looked at Kyle and said with a loud voice. "Kyle Wet His Pants"

After a few seconds Sheila came in. she was surprised. Kyle never wet his pants while sleeping. this was a first.

Kyle was unaware of what was happening. then he said. "I didn't" in a low voice. "bubby are you sure you didn't?" he nodded.

Stan thought that they would blame him if he kept silent. "it wasn't me!" he seemed too unsettled for a child. "come here Kyle." Kyle stood up and approached his mother. she looked at him observing.

Sharon interned while Sheila was examining. "what happened?"

"Sharon, have you or anybody bring a cup of water here?" "no I haven't and I don't think their is anyone other than us and Shelly here."

Sheila nodded and waked out of the room. she had much needed proof of what happen, so she kept silent as to not make anyone misunderstand.

Sharon looked at Stan and said."Stan dear what happened?" then she looked at the sad but adorable Kyle sitting on the floor."Kyle wet his pants" "no I didn't" an immediate reply.

"Stanly! I think he didn't wet his pants, I mean his pants aren't wet. see" she said holding Kyle in her hands.

Stan was about to apologize when Kyle suddenly ran to his mothers arms and said "I wanna go home" there was a heartbreaking look on Kyle's face so she excused her self and went home.

After that those two never talked to each other (Kyle and Stan). but but when the marshes traveled. something ya table happened. Randy became ill and couldn't go back with his family.

They then decided to stay with him and they returned about after 4 months...


To be continued

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