Chapter Two, Part 5

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“What happened?” Finn said. He bounced on his heels, face giddy and expectant. Galen checked over his mustang’s harness, but he was listening.

Asher’s mind flew, trying to process it all. He didn’t dare believe his own hope, but he found no other way to read the signs. Could his mother have become Queen? A lot could happen in ten years, and it would explain why she left Farmer and him: the Law didn’t allow for a Queen with a husband or child. She wouldn’t have said anything because the revelation could be dangerous for him and for her. If it were true, then he had to keep it secret as well.

“She offered me work,” Asher said. “As a servant.”

“Wow,” Finn said, scratching his head. “That’s great. But a servant?”

“And she said she’ll get you a job in the Institute.”

“Ho!” Finn’s startled expression morphed into joy, and he danced as they walked.

As Finn gushed about his budding future, Galen led them out of the capital, turning off the Free Way and into the western valley. He was taking them to his old home in the woods. Asher would have rather stayed to explore, to seek out the docks and ask around about the Queen. He had to confirm or deny his suspicion, but—unable to share it with his companions—he was forced to remain with the group.

As they passed between farms, Asher was reminded of home, and he remembered what Galen had said to the Queen about a rebellion infesting Southwind. He wondered if he’d abandoned his father in a time of danger.

“What’ll happen to the prisoner?” Asher asked.

“The Queen will judge him,” Galen said.

“Did you know the Queen? Before she was Queen.” Since Galen’s self-imposed exile from Southwind twelve years before, he had spent years around Riverdale, learning the art of Healing.

“When I served,” Galen said, “the Old Queen still ruled. Lilian wasn’t even a Princess then. We knew each other much later, and mostly by reputation. My master and I were often called upon by the Crown.”

The farmland ended, and they followed the rising pasture to the top of the valley, which was capped by a solid wall of woodlands. It was called the Trees’ Wood, and it was massive—a country within itself. The place they sought was just within.

The trees were sparse but huge and sprawling, and their cover was thick despite the season. Leaves of every color fell gently around them. Asher grew uncomfortable, reminded of the unicorn forest. It wasn’t the look of the place, but something else felt wrong. Harriet seemed to agree, and he was forced to pull her along.

“Tree sprites,” Galen said. “They take the shape of leaves and talk to the trees. They’ll talk to people as well, from time to time.”

Some of the leaves weren’t falling, Asher realized. They fluttered and dipped but always rose again as if carried by the wind, even when there was none. Finn’s mood soured, and he took painstaking care not to step on fallen leaves. Asher couldn’t blame him, considering his bout with the salamander.

Soon they came to the place Galen sought, and he stopped them behind a wide trunk. Through a gap in the trees ahead, a shack stood at the center of a small clearing.

“That?” Finn said.

Scant sunlight broke through the branches above, highlighting the haphazard structure. It was unclear whether it was made of wood or mud, sticks or straw, stone or bark. Every other lump constituting the walls was a different material. Stones circled a fire pit in the nearby earth, and a small herb garden grew around the hovel, but the planting was so disorderly that it may have been a natural phenomenon.

The Healer’s eyes roved the area. Taking his mustang by the reins, he curled the leather in his hand and shushed her, aiming his ear to listen. Asher did likewise, patting Harriet’s head.

There were sounds coming from the shack.


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