Chapter Six, Part 3

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As the day wore on, the city guard identified no other conspirators. The castle was locked down, and the crowd dispersed. A Stalwart was stationed at every corner of the City, and even the Pretty was subjected to armed patrols.

It was well after noon when Asher emerged from the deeps. He packed his bag and found his companions. As Galen went to conclude his business with the Clerk, Asher and Finn were left on the lawn to say goodbye.

“I don’t get it,” Finn said. “We saved the Queen—and the Princess. We can have whatever we want.”

“I know,” Asher said.

“This is what we always talked about. The Institute. It’s real!”

“I know.”

Finn grew frustrated. “I lost my family, too, you know.”

Asher was ashamed of how easily he’d forgotten Finn’s loss, so wrapped up in his own delusional quest. He didn’t know what to say now. The thought of staying in the castle overwhelmed him. The Queen’s face hurt to look at. “It’s complicated.”

“I don’t want to be around the Queen, either, “ Finn said. “But we came here together. You’re my family now. You’d rather go with the Healer?”

“I’m not going far,” Asher said. “I just—” he searched. “I didn’t think it’d be like this. I think I’ll be happier with Galen, at least for now.” He tried to lighten the mood. “Anyway, I’m sure I’ll see you often—every time you get the scat beaten out of you.”

Finn shook his head. His freckles were fading, and it made him look even more like his mother. Hands on hips, Finn studied Asher. Finally, he rolled his eyes and said, “All right.”

They hugged, strong. The smell of blood still clung to Finn.

“You’re as crazy as he is,” Finn said. “Asher Healer?”

Asher backed away. “Sir Finn. Don’t forget me when you’re famous.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Finn said, waving Asher off, but he smiled.


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