i don't even know what's happening

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A week later

Kaira didn't get many holidays in her work so when she got one, she wanted to make the most of it. She needed to relish in the joy of not having to go to Stark tower, listen to Tony's offensively flirtatious comments or tolerate Natasha's glares. 

So she did the thing she knew best how to do. She slept till 11 am.

She lived in a tiny studio apartment just across Stark Tower, and regardless of Steve's endless offers to move in next to him, she loved her place. It was cute, cosy and manageable. She lifted the fluffy covers off of her and looked at the sunlight streaming in through the blinds. It was so quite. 

Of course, the moment had to be ruined and the silence was broken by the Wonder Woman ringtone flooding her room. 

"Shit" She mumbled when she realized her phone was not on her night stand and all the way across the room. She threw the blankets off her and practically jumped from her bed to the couch. The floor was way too cold for her right now. She grabbed the phone and it was her best buddy, Steve calling.

"Hi Stevee" She said, somewhat annoyed.

"Kaira, I need your help" Said the undeniably kind voice of Captain America, ignoring her tone. She could tell it was serious and she quickly grabbed her clothes.

"What's wrong?" She said, balancing the phone on her shoulder as she slipped out of her pajamas into jeans. 

"Someone tried to bomb me and Natasha and-"

"What?" She interrupted him.

"We're okay, we got out, we're at a safe house. But I need you to meet me at this place, I'll send you the location"

"Okay Steve" She checked the location on her phone "I'll be there in 20" 

Tossing the phone on her bed, she slipped into an olive green top and grabbed her leather jacket. The place was 18 minutes away and Kaira had two minutes to wake herself up completely. She ran to the bathroom and splashed ice cold water on her face, instantly regretting it. I'll probably need the gun, she thought and grabbed her glock. Putting her hair up in a high ponytail, she grabbed her phone and left the comfort of her apartment.

19 minutes later, she was racing up the stairs behind Natasha and Steve as they dragged a guy up. She had no idea what was going on, but she knew this wasn't the time to question. The guy they were holding was a young, bald guy with glasses. She followed Steve as they reached the rooftop. He was engaged in a very serious discussion with the man as he held him over the ledge. Kaira maintained her distance at the back, knowing she would be of no help to a super soldier and highly trained assassin. In fact, Tony used that exact moment to call her.

"Where is my favorite girl?" He chirped from the other end of the call.

"She's busy and now is not the best time" She replied, glancing at the situation every now and then. 

"Too busy for her boss?" Tony asked, feigning hurt. Whatever Kaira was about to say next was cut off as she watched a guy in a literal birdsuit fly over the edge holding the person they had just thrown.

"Who the hell is that?" Kaira said, cutting the call with Tony.

"Hey, I'm Sam. You must be Kaira" He turned to acknowledge her "Wow, Steve was right, you really are pretty"

Kaira was dumbfounded as she stared at this apparent new addition to the team. She kind of already liked him.

"What targets?" Steve asked the bald dude. 

"Anyone who's a threat to Hydra!" He said after naming a long list of seemingly random people "Now, or in the future"

"In the future? How could it know?" Steve asked. The bald dude laughed and said "How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book"

Kaira just stood watching because honestly she was used to that. Watching from the sidelines, only stepping in when really needed until she heard the part about some algorithm. She was good at those. Probably why Steve called her. The intense moment was ruined as the Wonder Woman theme music played at an exceptionally loud volume and it took a second for Kaira to realize it was her phone, and not background music. Everyone turned to stare at her and she meekly apologized.

"What the hell Tony? I told you I'm busy!" She whispered angrily into the phone turning away.

"Did you seriously hang up on me Kaira? That is so disrespectful. I mean like seriously" He was saying when Kaira cut him off "Look I'm in the middle of something and if you don't shut up, I'll hang up again"

Tony went silent and then cut the call. 

"Was that Tony Stark you just hung up on?" The bird guy, Sam, asked. She nodded.

"Man, you are my favorite person already" He grinned.

"The Insight helicarriers strike people off the list. A few million at a time" He spoke.

"Wait, what?" Kaira said, snapping back to the conversation.

"Come on, we gotta go now and stop them" Natasha said.

"Steve..." Kaira said, stepping next to him.

"We'll really need your help Kay, this could cause serious damage" He explained "I'll tell you the rest in the car"

"Of course" She nodded and followed him. 

"You don't even know what's going on, do you?" Sam asked her playfully.

"Honestly, I would follow Steve Rogers anywhere" She responded and went after him.

They got in the car and it was a little stuffy with their new hostage who did not at all stop talking.

"Hydra hates leaks" he was saying. 

"I know how we can bypass the scans" Kaira piped in "We don't necessarily need him"

"No, you do need me. What do you mean you don't need me?" The guy started panicking.

"Oh relax, he's not going to kill you" Kaira replied, leaning over to him. Natasha was sitting in the middle of them and she added "yet"

"What? Look, whatever you're thinking of doing is a terrible idea" He said. The next moment there was a loud thud as the roof caved in a bit, and in a second a metal arm reached out and threw the guy into oncoming traffic.

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