Disobeying Orders

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Kaira was lying unconscious, on the ground for a good amount of time, when her eyes snapped open. She got up with a jolt and realized she had passed out from the chokehold, and was still on the bridge. The Winter Soldier had attacked her. She looked down and saw in her lap, the gun Natasha gave her. She was pretty sure she saw the man with the metal arm give it back to her. But why?
She stood up and looked around. There was a huge pile up on the bridge and none of the soldiers were there anymore.
She fumbled in her pocket for her phone and quickly dialled Nat's number.
It rang three times before Natasha picked it up.
"Natasha! Where are you? Do you need help?"
"Kaira! You're okay" Natasha's voice was distant, and she was panting.
"Where's Steve?" Kaira immediately remembered he had been thrown off.
"Don't worr- about Ste-, you need-- get out of here!" Natasha's voice kept cutting off and Kaira imagined it was because she was running for her life.
She knew that the best thing to do was listen to her and go to a safe place, but Steve might need her help.
"I'm coming to help!" She yelled back, only to be bombarded by Natasha's protests "No! Kaira do not. I can't protect you if -"
The line went dead and she really hoped Natasha wasn't. The smart thing to do would be to find Sam and go into hiding until things cleared over but Steve was her best friend. Maybe her combat skills could finally be put to use now. She walked to the edge of the bridge and saw the wreck of a bus. She just needed to follow the destruction and she would find Steve.
Her first problem was figuring out how to get down from the bridge. She turned around and saw ropes tied to a car that the soldiers must have used to get down. But they couldn't be used. The fall wasn't that much, maybe she could jump.
"God this is such a terrible idea" Kaira mumbled and braced herself as she tried to stand up on the railing.

"What in god's name are you doing?" She heard a familiar voice and she turned around to see Sam, and his amazing birdsuit.
"Thinking of jumping? He eyed her and raised an eyebrow.
"No that's so dumb" Kaira said "I was just waiting for you to show up, about time you did"
Sam chuckled and came up to her.
"Should I be asking why you're going where the fight is?" He said and strapped himself in.
"No you shouldn't" Kaira responded, and Sam smiled.
"Hold tight" He said and wrapped his hands around her stomach. Kaira took in a breath as she heard the mechanical whirring of his wings opening and in a second they were off the ground.
She gripped her gun tightly to her chest as Sam flew them over the bridge and over all the cars that had been wrecked.
"Now let's play a game" Sam said in her ear "Whoever finds Steve first wins"
There was a huge blast right in front of them and in the middle of it was Steve facing The Winter Soldier.
"I win" Kaira smiled, and Sam swooped downwards to drop her to the ground.
"Thanks for the ride Sam" Kaira smiled and ran to where Steve was standing. He did look like he needed help.
The metal arm punched Steve and he fell down.
Kaira put the safety off her gun and walked towards the soldier. Steve let out a groan and then he looked up and saw Kaira. His eyes widened in panic.
The soldier had his back towards her, still trying to end Captain America.
Kaira pulled the trigger. Just as the bullet was about to him, he turned and deflected it with his metal arm.
She shot multiple times, hoping any one will hit him but he kept walking towards her. All she could see were his eyes but she knew she had pissed him off.
He came close to her and Kaira realized she was only shooting at his upper body.
"Thanks for giving me the gun back" She told him, grinning.
Stepping back, she aimed it at his right leg and pulled the trigger.

He faltered in his step at the impact but the bullet had only grazed him.
"Shit" Kaira said and he, in one swift move, pushed her back.
He pinned her against the wall, forcing her back with the weight of his arm on her chest. She was breathing heavily, looking him straight in the eye and he was looking right back.
He took out his knife and held it to Kaira's neck, so close that it broke upper skin and she could feel blood trickle down her shirt.
If she moved an inch, or breathed differently, her throat would be slit.
The soldier glared right at her, almost taunting her to make a move.
He noticed how her eyes were light green and she didn't seem afraid.

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