a lot of pain and blood

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Sebastian Stan commented on my post on Instagram and I basically had the best day ever in existence! I've attached the screenshot. my account is sebastian.central! I FREAKED OUT SO MUCH AND FORGOT EVERYTHING FOR TWO DAYS. 

Kaira let out a scream as she felt the floor disappear from beneath her. Standing on the edge hadn't been a great idea, and she only realized it when the breath got knocked out of her and she fell. The last thing she saw before plunging to her potential death was the Winter Soldier. His face lacked any emotion, but she swore she saw his eyes slightly widen when she tripped. 

"Sam!" She screamed into her mic, hoping where ever he was he could hear her and wasn't too far away. Kaira knew it had been a bad idea to come on this mission, especially when it was a 100 feet up in the air. Her arms flailing around her, she called for help again.
"Kaira!" She heard a voice and she barely had any time to register what that was before her body was grabbed out of it's free fall state. It jerked to a stop and she grasped tightly onto her savior. She wrapped her arms around Sam's neck and put her head in the crook of his neck. She needed to breathe.

"You okay Kaira?" Sam asked, holding onto her waist. Kaira managed to nod her head, still not believing she almost fell to her death. "Steve, I've got her" Sam said and flew them to a circular glass dome. Sam dropped Kaira down to the deck and she let out a breath she was holding, as soon as her feet touched the floor. She was barely on the floor for two seconds before Steve engulfed her in a hug. Her hands instinctively went around his neck and she felt so much better.

"I'm fine" Kaira whispered, pulling away from him when she realized they had less than 8 minutes to insert the server blades. She wished she could stay in his arms forever, where she felt safest for now, but they had work to do. Steve grabbed her by the waist, and led her till the server panels. She ran next to Steve up the bridge. 

"Okay Kaira, work the magic" Steve said and she quickly entered the code on the panel. A tray full of server blades descended and Kaira smiled. She quickly picked out the one they were supposed to replace, and put the other one in.

"Two down, one to go" Agent Hill's voice came in and Steve looked at Kaira with a thankful look on his face. Kaira nodded back at him. This was the first time in a long time she felt useful. Sticking around with the Avengers wasn't a great self esteem booster, but it felt great to know people like that. Kaira had spent a huge part of her adult life undercover, pretending to be someone she's not. She'd taken acting lessons as a kid and she never knew it would have come in handy, until she was contacted by Tony Stark at age 20 to help him with a mission. She lived a few months under another identity, and slowly growing tired of pretending, she asked Tony if she could join him as an intern in technology and communications at the Tower.

Steve grabbed Kaira's hand as they ran towards the edge. Kaira realized he had surprisingly soft hands as he called Sam.

"Sam, we're going to need a ride" He said, gesturing to their position as Kaira noticed a tiny speck moving towards them,growing bigger. Sam. 


Sam had dropped them on the next ship. The last one remaining. Steve walked in front of Kaira, protectively and Sam behind her. Kaira took out her gun and got ready to use it, in case she needed to. All of a sudden, Steve was knocked out in front of her as The Winter Soldier pushed him from the side. Kaira involuntarily let out a cry and lifted her gun up at him. He looked at her and swiftly, knocked the gun out of her hands, as if it required no effort. Kaira almost felt a little offended by his show of power. Sam jumped after Steve, but the soldier just grabbed him by his wing, as if he's just a bug that needed to be taken care of. Kaira used that distraction to pick up her gun and she shot it at him, at the same time as Sam. The winter soldier ducked and got cover as Kaira kept shooting at his torso. Sam turned around to get a better shot but before he could do anything, the Winter Soldier ripped off his wing and Sam flew down in a state of panic. Kaira knew she wasn't strong enough to face him alone, so she turned around and ran to the server room. She could still get there in time and do it herself. She opened the door and ran down the stairs, as fast as her feet could take her. She couldn't let him catch up to her, he'd spared her life too many times and he wouldn't make the same mistake again. An Insight guard appeared in front of her as she neared the server room and Kaira pointed her gun straight at him, and pulled the trigger. She didn't stay to see the consequence of what she had done, and burst through the doors into the room. Before she could go any further, someone grabbed her and pulled her back. It was another Insight soldier. 

"I really don't have time for this!" Kaira cried, struggling with him as he caught ahold of her arms. He grabbed a strand of loose hair and pulled and Kaira let out a yelp and bit him on his arm in response. She then took that opportunity and brought her knee up to kick him in the groin. He jolted back and fell on the floor. 

Kaira turned around to see Steve and the Winter Soldier fighting. They had fallen off the bridge onto the glass floor below. Steve had been shot. 

Kaira ran to help and shot a bullet at The Winter Soldier. He deflected it with his arm and ran towards Kaira. Kaira tossed her gun to the side and reached down to bring out her knife. The Winter Soldier grabbed her by the shoulder and she quickly slashed at his non metal arm. He let out a cry of pain and looked at her. His eyes were full of anger and this was the most emotion she had seen on him. He brought out his metal arm and punched her right cheek. Kaira stumbled back in pain and shock and brought her hand up to touch the cheek. He had cornered Kaira and using his metal arm, punched her in the stomach. She doubled up and coughed up blood as he kept advancing on her.

"Stop" She said, and using her concealed knife slashed his face. It left a deep gash on his cheek and she tried to use any methods she had learnt to stop him from killing her. She struck his shoulder and his chest a few times. He grabbed her arm in his hand and twisted it until she had to drop the knife. She cried out in pain as she felt blood trickle down her face. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was his metal arm retracting and hitting her head against the wall. 

Steve saw Kaira drop down unconscious and he knew he had very less time to get out of there before the ships blew themselves up. He saw his best friend trapped under the debris and he jumped down to help him up. 

"You know me" Steve said.

"No, I don't!" He yelled, hitting him.

"Bucky. You've known me your whole life. Your name is James Buchanan Barnes"

"Shut up!"

"I'm not gonna fight you. You're my friend"

"You're my mission" He continued hitting Steve "You're my mission!"

"Then finish it. Because I'm with you till the end of the line" 

Bucky paused when he heard that. Recognition flashed in his eyes and he stopped. The floor gave away and Steve fell into the river. 

Bucky turned around and saw the girl lying unconscious on the floor. She was still breathing, her chest was slightly moving up and down. Bucky looked down at the river, ready to jump out. If he stayed here any longer, he'd die along with her too. He was almost about to jump, and he didn't know what came over him as he turned around and walked back to where the girl was lying. Her face was bloodied from his punches and a trail of blood went down her shirt. 

Bucky bent down and in a swift move, he picked her up. She was lighter than he expected and she stirred slightly when he wrapped an arm under her. His other arm snaked around her back and she fell into him. She mumbled something he couldn't understand, and he could feel her breathing against his chest. She was tiny in his arms and he carried her till the edge. He held her tightly and glanced down at her face. Her eyes opened slightly and she looked up at him in confusion and pain.


He tightened his hold over her body and holding her in a way that she would be shielded from the impact of the water, jumped off. 

bucky character development! please review and vote!

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