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[the pic above is what Zayn looked like on the first day of school.]

Chapter One


"Oi Liam! Wait up!"

I turned around to face Niall as he ran to catch up to me. His blonde hair dye was beginning to fade away so that you could see the roots of his once light brown hair, "What's up Ni?"

"Where're you headed?"

I looked back down at the light blue sheet of paper that had been handed out this morning, "Ehm, looks like I'm going to room S45 with Mr.Douglas in AP Lit."

Niall rolled his eyes as he pulled out a bag of wrapped hash browns and hungrily bit into one, "Jesus Li." He mumbled, "Trying to kill yourself or something? I heard Mr.Douglas was the definition of the devil encased in a middle aged man."

I laughed, shrugging my shoulders, "I'll win him over eventually, always do."

"Win who over? Are you gay Liam?" Louis asked, approaching and slinging his arm over my shoulders.

"Yeah, what's it to you?" I retorted jokingly.

The boys knew I was still unsure exactly of what my sexuality was and they accepted and understood it, although they didn't feel the slightest bit guilty when they made snide comments like that.

"Nothing, nothing. Just wondering who won the little heart of Payno here for the first time since ever I'd say." Louis smirked, ruffling my hair up as if I was his kid brother or something of sorts.

"No." Niall said with his mouth still full, "He's trying to charm Mr.Douglas."

I cast him an incredulous glare.

Really? This is when he decides to speak up and of all the things that's what he says?!

"Mr.Douglas?! Old Bennet huh? Didn't think you liked them older Li." Louis responded as if he was bewildered at the news.

"What's wrong with liking them older?" Harry asked as he walked over.

Out of all of us guys, Harry was known to be the one to make the bolder decisions in his love life. Which sometimes leads to him having a fling with a thirty year old woman or going out to coffee with a twenty three year old man. To him, it didn't matter what you looked like or how old you were. To quote him word by word, "If I like them, I like them. I'm not letting anything stop me from finding love.".

It was quite admirable in a way, but also kind of creepy. But if any of us was going to pull that off, it would be him. That bastard was one of the cheekiest and flirtiest guys I'd ever met in my life.

"Pretty much everything, for one, you know, it being illegal and all." Louis rolled his eyes.

Harry's brows furrowed, "Hey I'm turning 18 in like two months-"

"Yup." Louis interrupted, "So it's still illegal."

Niall and I exchanged quick glances at Louis's sour tone but we quickly shrugged it off as we began discussing where we'd be meeting up for lunch.

"Okay well, I don't care where we meet up, I just care about where we go because heck I'm already hungry." Niall stated agitatedly.

"Yeah okay." Harry huffed, leaning against the lockers.

"Well, I'm off, don't wanna get on Mr.Douglas's bad side on the first day." I pushed off of the lockers and stood up.

"Alright." Louis waggled his eyebrows knowingly, "Go get some saggy cock."

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