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Tessa's pov
    The last few days have been hard. Kian and I had an argument. We were an unofficial thing. He got mad at me because I was being "flirty" with a fellow friend of mine, Matt Lange. In all honestly that wasn't what I was doing, I don't know why he thought that. So obviously I argued with him which got him even more pissed. Everything has just been such a mess. We haven't spoken in 5 days. I miss him a lot. Nothing has been going my way. I'm going over to speak with him today, try to explain that it wasn't my intention to be flirty with him even though I genuinely wasn't. I understand that it could've been and was taken as if I was. I just hope he isn't as mad as he was before so we could actually talk.
    I get ready and get an Uber over to the house. As I got closer I called franny and asked her if she could open the door. For some reason she was very hesitant. I knew she was home because bry told me but franny told me she went to the grove and no one was home. Something was telling me to knock even though Fran had already told me no one was home. I knock and hear footsteps down the stairs. A couple seconds pass by until I am face to face with kian.
    "Tessa.. what are you doing here?"
    "I came to talk to you, I know-"

    I stop talking as soon and I see Meredith looking at me from a far wearing one of Kians shirts. I was heartbroken.

    "Tessa listen-"
    "Actually no. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have came without texting you first. Oh wait.. I couldn't cause you blocked me on everything. This was a mistake." I said as I turn around and start walking to god knows where.
It's currently 9 pm and here I am wondering the streets. I was crying hysterically and I couldn't breathe. I decided to enter a cafe and calm down. I would have never known that I would soon be greeted by...

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