virgil panic attach

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*y/n* POV

thomas and i and thomas personalitys were all hanging out at thomas place. I was having a bad day, my mom and i just got in a huge fight about responsibility and money stuff and it was just stressing me out. Thomas and the others were playing a board game i was l playing with them but kept on dazing off. I was thinking about my mom and i and how it went down the whole fight it sucked.

mom- you never do anything around here all you do is lay in that couch and stare at your phone why don't you get up and do something for once in your God forsaken life!
Y/n- mom I cleaned the entire house yesterday and I just got off work I'm trying to catch a breather.
Mom- oh you always use the same excuse hey if you got a job then why don't you help me pay for things like the electricity bill
Y/n- mom you know im paying my own phone bill and saving for college and a car I don't have much to give!
Mom- don't you dare raise your voice at me you know what I'm sick of this and I'm sick of you get out of here and don't come back until you learn that you need to help out

And that was that I packed a backpack full of stuff and walked out of there. The scene just kept replaying in my mind I didn't even realise it was my turn.

Thomas- y/n?

I herd thomas say as a hand went on my shoulder

Y/n- hmm? Oh yeah sorry...
Patton- you okay kiddo you? You don't look so good

Patton said with worry in his voice

Logan- yes y/n are you alright your looking a bit pale
Y/n- yeah I'm fine just thinking about what happened
Virgil- its ok to think about things you know just don't let it take over you
Roman- yes hot topic over there is right you don't have to worry anymore were here and we care about you y/n
Thomas- right like I said your welcome to stay as long as you like
Y/n- thanks you guys honest I just don't want to be a bother

I said as I looked down. I stared at the floor but I felt eyes on me I look up the the side a little to notice virgil looking at me with gentle eyes. My heart started to race a little, I kinda had a thing for virgil for a while but have been way to anxious to say anything. The silence was broken from my phone ringing. I look at it to see my mom is calling me. I picked it up.

Y/n- hello?
Mom- y/n get your ass home now!
Y/n- you told me to leave I'm not coming back!
Mom- where are you gonna go!
Y/n- I have a friend who said I could stay as long as I like!
Mom- you know what fine! I don't ever want to see you again you hear me never!

And with that she hung up. Tears fled my eyes and I ran to the kitchen trying to muffle my sobs. My mother hates me! I don't fell so good i started shaking and I started to get dizzy. I sat on the floor needing help but I dare not request it they don't need to see me like this.

Virgil POV

I saw y/n run to the kitchen and I saw tears run down her face. I herd everything her mother said and It made me sick. I walked into the kitchen to see y/n sitting on the floor her body shaking I herd gasps for air, I know all to well whats happening. I ran to her side and held her in my arms and I tried calming her down.

Virgil- y/n listen to me its gonna be ok just listen to the soft tone of my voice and do as I say. Take a deep breath for 4 seconds

She did that

Virgil- now hold it for 7 seconds, now breath out for 8 seconds and repeat okay y/n

She did that and soon I felt her calm down. Soon she stopped shaking and her breathing was normal again. There she laid still in my arms I just held her till she was ready to move. When she finally did she had tear stained cheeks. It hurt to see her like that She's to beautiful to cry. Yes I said beautiful I like Y/n, a lot and I would do anything for her just to make sure she's ok. She looked at me then looked away.

Y/n- why did you follow me?
Virgil- I was worried about you I care about you And I wanted to make sure you were ok.
Y/n- I'm fine

She said with a sniffle

Virgil- don't lie to me I know your not and its ok to not always be ok you wouldn't be normal if you were always happy, you'd be a game show host.

Y/n- thanks Virgil it means a lot

And she looked at me and smiled. Oh my that smile. I can't resist it I don't know what came over me but I found myself leaning in and she was leaning in too. Soon out lips met and we shared a passionate kiss. It was so lovely. We quickly pulled away when we herd someone entire the kitchen.

Roman- aww I'm such a sucker for a happy ending
Logan- this is indeed adorable
Thomas- I always knew you guys had a thing for each other congratulations you two

We just smiled and looked at each other, I never thought I would get a happy ending but she, she is my happy ending and I'm really happy.

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