Logan feelings

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I was with Thomas and his sides listening to music. I was just casually doing math homework but I got stuck on a problem. I stared at it, puzzled. Out of moments of frustration I let out a groan.

Logan- y/n, are you alright? you seem aggravated
Y/n- um yes Logan I'm fine just stuck on this problem is all
Logan- well what's the problem? maybe I can be of some assistance
Y/n- uh its 100-100+50+200-250=? ( I had to add some humor 😜 ) and I don't know what it is
Logan- oh that's simple its zero its adding and subtracting what is already there
Y/n- oh wow that was simple
Thomas- yeah y/n i can't believe you didn't get that
Virgil- yeah any moron could have gotten that
Patton- now, now lets not be mean i would have gotten stuck to kiddo
Roman- not surprised there

They all giggled except thomas, Logan, and I.

Y/n- I didn't fine it funny either
Logan- I'm sure it was humorous I just don't feel so I could not laugh
Y/n- that must suck not feeling anything
Logan- ugh feelings the bane of my exsistance

Logan POV

Yes it is true I do not feel, but little does she know, I feel for her and its strange yet, I love it. She has such a semetrical face and that amazing laugh. She's to perfect. But I don't have it in me to tell her. I was listening to the song shawty like a melody, not correct grammar but ill " roll with it ", and I got lost in the lyrics of it.

Remember the first time we met
You was at the mall wit yo friend
I was scared to approach ya
But then you came closer
Hopin' you would give me a chance

Thomas met y/n at the mall and he was trying to make new friends and even with his anxiety he approached her and of course at first I felt nothing but as they started talking I got lost in her eyes and smile, she was magnificent.

Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my iPod's stuck on replay

Im not a singer but she did replay in my mind a lot and I came to the conclusion that I had develop a liking to her I just never told her. I was brought out of my little day dream when i herd everyone singing, well except Virgil, and I looked over to y/n and i hear her voice, it just brought a smile to my face it was, glorious. She was bobbing her head and slightly dancing when she looked at me and her face was as red as a Solanum lycopersicum ( I'm sorry I had to 😂 ). Her eyes met mine and my whole world just melt it felt like there was no one else in the room but us. Oh how I longed to kiss her and as I was about to start leaning in I herd someone clear there throat.

Virgil- get a room you two
Patton- awwe did I just witness some magic?
Roman- Logan this is unexpected of you I thought you couldn't feel
Thomas- yeah I'm a bit confused to

Now I was as red as a Solanum lycopersicum and I just looked down.


I really felt a connection there with Logan I really wish something had happen but sadly we were interrupted, maybe if we were alone, that's it!

Y/n- hey Logan can I talk to you
Logan- uh, oh, um, sure
Y/n- great follow me

I took his hand and lead him outside the building door.

Logan- what are we doing out here?

I waisted no time, I smiled at him and leaned in and our lips met and it was wonderful.

Logan POV ( so much switching)

Y/n pulled me into a kiss and I felt something I haven't really felt before I felt my entire body heat up and I felt " butterflys ' in my stomach. Of course I've mildly felt this around her, but never this intense. And I felt something I never thought I would feel, I felt love. She pulled away and smiled at me and I smiled back. We were just standing there when the door opened.

T/r/v- patton!!
Patton- whoops sorry guys didn't mean to interrupt

He said with a slight giggle and I herd y/n giggle to which in turns made me smile.

Patton- awe Logan's got a crush
Virgil- what? But how? He can't feel
Roman- well I guess we were wrong on that one
Thomas- well I think this is precious and we will leave you alone now

And with that they closed the door. Yeah this was strange, to feel, but I like it, a lot.

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