Chapter 4.

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Aliyah opened her eyes slowly. Feeling herself waking from her dream state. The room was bright, blinding. She grimaced, rubbing at her eyes. She heard a clatter upstairs and the sounds of the TV. She rolled over, the bed empty beside her. Panic hit her. What time was it?? Where was Owen?

She threw the covers back and launched out of bed, pulling on her bra and the dress she’d had on the night before. She walked to Owen’s room. The bedding was disturbed. He wasn’t there.

“Owe?” She sang out.

“Up here…” Tom’s voice danced down over the landing. She pulled herself up the steps slowly. Groggy. She had slept well, but the couple of wines had made their way to her head. She didn’t drink all that often and it had only taken two glasses of Chardonnay to create havoc. She reached the top of the stairs. Tom was standing at the cooker, an apron over his waist, tied neatly. His running gear on. He towered over the kitchen. Having to lean down to scrape the scrambled eggs onto the freshly buttered toast.

“Owe… breakfast’s ready.” Tom called out. Owen appeared over the back of the lounge.

“Hi Mum!” He ran over, giving her a cuddle. “I thought we were going home today?”

“We are matey, we are. Now go have breakfast. Say thank-you to Tom.” Aliyah gave him a squeeze.

Tom turned around, carrying the plate to the table for Owen, placing it down next to the freshly squeezed orange juice.

“Thanks Tom.” Owen smiled up at the gentle giant, and tucked in.

“Well, hello there beautiful” Tom beamed, looking over at Aliyah. He strutted over, pulling her into him by the waist, giving her a sweet peck on the lips. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did actually, thank-you. You didn’t have to ….”

“Shh… how often do you get to sleep without being disturbed? Not often I imagine!” He held her cheek in his hand. “Coffee?”

“Oh god… yes please. White with one.” Aliyah sat at the table, next to Owen. He grinned up at her, whispering with a mouthful of egg and toast. “I like him, Mum”.

She coughed and laughed at the same time.

“It’s 7:30. I slept in.” Tom flicked the button on the coffee machine, making sure the lid was closed after having filled it with beans.

“Oh? What time do you usually get up?” Aliyah rubbed at her face.

“Usually 5.” Tom grabbed the milk from the fridge, dribbling it into the mug.

He carried it over. “Here you go. Want to eat?”


“Hungover? Two wines? Really?” He recognised that sound, grimacing himself from the memory of many a hangover.

“I am actually. I don’t usually drink.” She clasped the mug between both hands.

“Grab some brunch on the way through Geelong. You’ll come good. I will cook for you next time, and we’ll take it easy on the wine.” He picked up his plate of soft-boiled eggs and toast, and a black coffee, sitting opposite Aliyah at the large table.

“Thank-you for last night.” She whispered, cautious of Owen overhearing.

“You’re welcome. Thank you for staying.” He mimicked her.

“You were true to your word.” She sipped at the hot, milky beverage. The fresh beans giving her a kick.

“Told you.” He lifted the fork to his mouth, chewing. “If I make a promise, I stick to it.”

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