Chapter 7

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After a wonderful weekend together, Beth had packed her things in the car and turned to Tom. He’d swept her off her feet. Taken her on a chauffeur-driven Winery tour around the Peninsula after their frantic race back from the beach and spa, waltzed her around the house with and without music, serenaded her with her own guitar and made wonderful love to her for most of the Saturday night – heady on wine tastings and fine dining. She was missing Owe, but didn’t want to leave. Yet, she had to return to reality and work, as did he.

“One last trip..” He held her tightly, rocking her side to side, his arms wrapped around her.

“Tom… do we have time?”

“One last surprise before you go. Come on.” He grasped her hand, squeezing it, reaching behind to close the door. He made sure he had the keys, phone and money in his pockets. They’d spent most of the day in bed together, and he’d thrown on a pair of long shorts and a training singlet to walk her out. The thought had just struck him, and being the impetuous, spontaneous person he was he was adamant his little spark would be reality before they parted ways.

“Come on…” he led her to her car, walked her around to the passenger side and opened the door for her. “I’m driving, darling.”

She realised she hadn’t been in a car with him driving before and decided it would be wonderful to be led into goodness knows what by him. At the same time, she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach of being unsure. She was very protective of her car. But this was Tom. It felt less like a knot and more like excitement at seeing him in control of her beloved little sedan. He pushed the door shut behind her, making sure she was in and comfortable, then walked around the front and plonked himself in the drivers seat.

“Ooof…Does this go back any further?” He reached down under the seat, searching for the bar to push the seat back, struggling to get his long legs in. With a jolt the seat lurched back and he smiled. He still had his knees up either side along the steering wheel, but he fit in. He surveyed the cabin, checking on where the dials, buttons and gadgets where. He did a mental check. Auto. Easy. No clutch.

“It’s a European make, sweetheart. The indicators are on the other side…” Beth reached across, showing him. He just looked at her. Waiting for her to click.

“It’s a Vauxhall, and like most of the cars I’ve driven before, considering I’m from Europe.” He had to prompt her. She planted her face in her palm and laughed. He shook his head and he reached out giving her knee a squeeze before putting his hand on the gearstick.

He turned the key and fired it up. Music blasted out of the speakers. They both jumped.

“Fuck, Beth – how are you not deaf?” He chuckled, reaching to turn it down.

“When Owe’s away… I like it loud.” She argued, clicking in her seat belt and pushing the air conditioner on. Tom playfully slapped at her hand.

“Who’s driving here?” He teased.

“Sorry!” She reached out, turning the music back up a little. “Is that okay?”

Tom turned to her, taking his hands off the wheel. She held her hands up and raised both eyebrows, smiling apologetically. He leant over and held her chin, pulling her face to his so he could kiss her.

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