Chapter 9

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Heyy guys ✌ again, sorry it wool so long to update 👐 but I hope you are enjoying the story so far 😊 don't forget to comment, vote and rate ❤


Three weeks passed painfully slow, each day, each hour consisted of clock watching. Beth had done her best to keep herself occupied between work and social outings. She'd also decided to take up Yoga again, which ate up an hour a day. She had done a little with Tom over their time together as it was such an integral part of his routine. She was rusty, but it felt good and the body held muscle memory of when she would do two Iyengar classes a week in her University days.

Owe continued to receive a package each week; forming a very nice Doctor Who collection. However, in the last week it was something entirely different. Two action figures, one of Loki and the other Thor.

The final Friday day arrived. It would be a long, tiring day.

"Please Mum, can I take them to school?" He clung to the action figures, refusing to hand them over.

"No!" Beth had overslept and was racing around making lunches, throwing stuff in their bags and trying to get herself ready for work at the same time. "They can't risk being lost, mate. You can bring them tonight. I think that's a good idea." She whipped her head around, looking for an idea, a spark of inspiration as to what to do with them. "Here..." she held her handbag open. "Stick them in here and they'll be safe until tonight when I pick you up and we go to get Tom."

Owe suddenly remembered they were going away after school and got very excited.

"Is it a long way away?" His eyes shone as he adjusted his weight from foot to foot.

"It's a very long drive, so plug in your iPad and I'll look after Thor and Loki at work today."

He obeyed, plonking them in her bag and racing off to plug his device in as instructed.

They made it just before the bell rang and Beth ran all the way back to the house to jump in the car and speed off to work. She had managed to withhold bursting out to her colleagues about where she was going and who she was going to be spending the long weekend with. Thank heavens for public holidays.

One of her friends had cottoned on fairly quickly though when she caught Beth sneaking out the front for a cigarette with two action figures in her hand. She thought how odd it was that she had two of Owen's toys with her on a cigarette break. Still, she didn't mention anything as Beth was wonderfully odd at the best of times and was always reliable for a laugh and a shoulder. She often got caught out listening to music loudly on her iPod with headphones in, jigging about in her chair whilst her fingers flew across the keyboard, writing new material.

The clock ticked over to three and Beth shot out the door, waving as she left. She'd been packed by two-thirty ready to run.

She called in at home on the way to pick Owe up and squeezed the bags and guitar in, along with Owe's pillow and blanket. She snatched up his iPad and their chargers, throwing them in her handbag and bursting out the door. She raced up the road and ran through the gates as the bell rang. He bolted out of the classroom and past Beth.

"Owe!" She yelled. He stopped, spinning around on his heel.

"Come on, Mum! We have to go get Tom!" He was so excited at the prospect of an adventure, especially if it involved who he considered to be one of his best friends.

* * * *

Tom stood at the door, his bag beside him at his feet, leaning his back against the wall. He was checking emails on his phone through his wayfarers. He'd cleared all that Peter wanted to accomplish for the week and had ran back to the house from where they were filming down the road to pack and prepare. He hadn't had time for a shower and looked a little disheveled and very tired, especially considering he had been up since four o'clock that morning. He'd thrown on a quick change of clothes, a pair of jeans, trainers and red and black hooded jumper over a black tee. Road trip clothes.

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