Chapter One

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'Morning Mazzi, what do you want for breakfast.' I was standing at the table, a spoon and a large bowl of cereal in front of me.

'The usual, are the others up yet?'

'Not yet, I'll go and wake them soon.'

'I wouldn't be too hasty, I do not want to see Jay in a bad mood.'

'I'll make sure he isn't.' I laughed.

'Wake up sweetie, time to get up.' Hellen was laying lazily on my scrappy pink and green bed, morning sunlight lighting up her sweet little face. She was only eight. The youngest out of all of us. She's sweet and kind. The only sad thing was, she can't talk. The resolution for my problem was, Hell can read minds, and talk to them using the same telepathic wiring. It was kinda cool actually. But kind of a nuisance if you want to keep something from me.

'What's there to eat?' She, well, thinks.

'There's cereal and toast. Tomorrow I think Jay's making pancakes.' Hell nodded. We call her Hell. We, as in the Flock and I.

'I'll go and wake up the boys,' I explain, 'Can you get Nemmie?' I nodded again.

The Flock consists of Hell, Nemmie, Elijah, Mazzi, Jay, Fang, and I. I'll go into more detail a bit later. But we all have some kind of strength. Hell has telepathy, Nemmie and Elijah have speed, Jay's is strong - really strong. Fang, he can melt away. Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous. He can melt away into shadows. I guess that's the perk of having black hair and only wearing black. Also, don't get on his bad side. He'll haunt you - he's that quiet, seriously quiet.

'Come on Jay, you can't sleep all day.'

'Why can't I?' He groaned.

'We need to get more supplies. You said it yourself, we need more food.'

He sighed all too dramatically. 'Fine.' He sat up and swung was legs over the side of his rickety old bed.

'How much longer?' Jay asks, rubbing his eyes to wake himself.

'It looks like six months, max. Go downstairs and I'll meet you with the others.'

He's a normal seventeen-year-old boy. Well, as normal as he can be. Like any normal teenage boys, he's vain - very, very vain. His dirty brown hair would have to be combed perfectly or he wouldn't leave his room. Not that anyone else will see him. That's one of the perks of living on an uninhabited rock.

I turned left into Elijah's room. 'Come on honey, rise and shine.'

'Really? Do I have to?'

'Yes, it's Monday, we have work to do.' Elijah and Nemmie are twins. Both ten, both blonde, and both adorable. They're inseparable. Sometimes in the worst of ways. Elijah likes to blow things up, and Nemmie likes to, press the big red button. Mazzi likes clothes. She has chocolate colored skin and frizzy brown hair. Since living on a mountain with nothing around other than trees and a few stray cattle, I had to make my own clothes. All of ours as a matter of fact.  They were actually quite good - considering our state of living. I took a sharp left toward Fang's room. His door was firmly shut. Just as I was about to knock, the door swung open, to reveal a misshapen and messy bedroom - typical Fang. Fang was standing at the door, wearing a scrappy pair of shorts, toothbrush and a bundle of clothes in his arms. He raised a questioning eyebrow. The rest of the Flock and I have a strange way of knowing what each other are thinking. Nothing like Hell's, but somehow, we just know. It's also because we've been cell buddies for most of lives. It gets stronger the older you get. So that means Fang, Jay and I were the best at it. I had the annoying feeling that Fang was asking,

'What the hell do you want?' Also, he's an eighteen-year-old male - It's kinda easy even without the creepy mutant side-effects.

'Downstairs, ten minutes, Flock meeting.' I muttered, the thing was we're seven percent bird - we have great hearing. He nodded reluctantly and walked strait past, toward the bathroom. I sighed. Why do I even bother?

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