Chapter Two

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'What? Are you certain?' Jay exclaimed.

'Yes. Three months, max, I just checked.' We were all sitting at the kitchen table, most of us properly dressed except for Hell. I wore a clean white nightdress, my long blonde hair in messy braids down my back.

'What are we gonna do?' Nemmie asked in a small voice.

'I don't know sweetie.' I say, 'But we'll have to come up with something. Any ideas?' I ask, addressing the rest of the flock.

'We could go foraging.' Mazzi suggested.

'It won't be enough to feed the seven of us. Even without our appetites.' Fang said in return. As I said, the flock and I are 89% bird - or avian to be more specific. We eat about four times the average human being.

'What about, civilization,' Nemmie said, fiddling my thumbs under the kitchen table.

'No.' I said firmly. 'No way. You know what Maggie told us.'

'No going out where you could be spotted and killed by hunters, we know.' Eli quoted, as if he done it a million times - which, by the way, he has. I glance over at Fang, and he shrugs his shoulders with a bored look on his face as if to say, I don't know, you figure it out.

I sigh. The last thing I wanted to do was go out into an open area with other - potentially dangerous - humans. I sighed again.

'Fine.'The others grin in satisfaction.

'Yes!' Eli grins and punches the air with his fist.

'But only to get food.'

'Ok, ok.' The others unsuccessfully reassure me. We were going to get killed. For sure.

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