Chapter Five

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'This is so fluffy!' Mazzi called from a clothes rack, ten feet away from Fang and I.

'Zoey come look at this!' I sighed. Those kids drove me crazy. I walked over to see Mazzi and Hell standing in from of a huge fur coat.

'It feels so real.' Mazzi said, stroking the soft wolfs fur coat.

'Um, honey, it is real.' I said, knowing the reaction could be catastrophic.

'What?!' she shrieked. Hastily, I put my hand over her mouth. Finally, her mouth stopped moving. Cautiously I moved my hand away. Luckily, she didn't start talking again.

'We should go.' I hear Fang mutter into my ear. I almost jumped out of my shoes.

'God Fang, do not sneak up on me. You should know this by now.' I hissed at him. He smirked.

'But you're right, let's bail guys.' The flock nodded, reluctantly, but indefinitely.

We headed out into the crowded street. Hell's hand tight in mine.

'Which way?' She thought to us.

To be completely honest, I had no idea.

'Left, down Church street.' I glanced over my shoulder at Fang, and he nodded – we weren't going to be followed. We started at a brisk walk, I was in front, hell next to me, with Mazzi, Nemmie, and Eli behind me followed by Fang, his expression unreadable. We turned right into a dark alleyway, scattered with bins, trash, and the occasional stray cat. We moved soundless through the rundown alleyway. And then - I kid you not, I felt like I was in an action movie – we hit a dead end.

'Seriously?' I said, stamping my foot on the ground, then regretting it when my hole filled shoe stepping in something, inhuman.

'I hate Mondays.' Elijah said,

'It's a Wednesday Einstein.' Nemmie said in turn, patting her brother on the back. I ruffled his already wind ruffled hair. Fang still hadn't said anything. I turned to him.

'Any ideas?' A loud crash sounded behind us, everyone jumped about three feet – everyone except for Fang that is. A stray cat shrieked, and another trashcan tipped, this time none of us jumped.

'We could go back?' Hell thought. I knew we couldn't, and so did she. We were out in the open, vulnerable to any Hunter within ten kilometers.

'There's an old man staring at us.' Fang said, completely strait faced. Oh, it speaks.

Then I processed what he had muttered to us. I spun around to where his gaze fell, to see an old withered man, sitting in a rocking chair, eyes unmoving and emotionless, staring at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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