The Plan

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"We are in Minkrland, and Who even are you, I've told you my name what's yours."
"I'm......I'm...I'm Doogie. I'm not from here actually in from earth." Doogs said "Lulu is there any way back to earth."
"Yes, but it's really difficult" Lulu explained. "You know already this isn't your home and there are gonna be extremely hard stuff to cross, go to, ROW ACROSS, there's more, but if you go little do you know something bad can happen. No one has tried it. Well...I did once and it sent me back cause I didn't have a key but I have it now. I've just been waiting for someone to come with me, because I'm just a little cat I can't do this on my own again."
"Okay I will go after we go to sleep it's getting dark

""Okay I will go after we go to sleep it's getting dark

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