The Lava

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"Come on Doogie, I will give you a treat!" Lulu argued as she blackmailed him.
"Do I really have to, I dont want to!!" Doogie moaned.
"Fine, you got across and you wont do a trick, like... Roll over." Lulu begged
"FINE" Doogs gruls as he rolls over.
"Well done Doogie, now we need to go. You wont like where we are going now." Lulu slowly said.
"Where are we going?... A CANDY LAND, WITH CHOCOLATE?" Doogs said excitedly!
"" Lulu moaned. "Well, you cant turn back now"
"Okay?" Doogie said confusingly.
Lulu took a deep breath "A Volcano...!"

(1 hour later) Eventualy Doogie and Lulu were there. Doogie was shaking with fear while Lulu was jumping over rocks.
"Come on Doogie, if u jump fast you can do it." Lulu said with inspiration.
"Dose it hurt?" Doogie worried.
Nah...Just get your butt over here."
Doogie chuckled then went for it. He was surprisingly fine. They had already climbed the Volcano, but the rocks at the, not difficult for Doogs. Soon they got to the Lava.
"Now Doogs, BE CAREFUL. I know your a clumsy dog but, today try not to be?" moaned lulu
"Okay! I will do my best to go home, and see my mum and family... Aww I miss them so much." Doogie said calling up in tears.
"It will be fine, just if we can cross, THE

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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