The Journey

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Dawn had struck. Doogie and Lulu went off on there magical quest to go home, but why would they not want to stay here in Minkrland. It's obvious they misted there families so much, but Lulu didn't know how long she was there for. It could of been years. Anyway Doogie and Lulu got out of the house and began there journey. Doogie saw lots of things he had never seen before like a frog with wings, a lava pit that talks ( which they had to cross first thing once they got out the house ). Lulu claimed a frog as Doogs asked " why do you have a frog? With wings?"
"DUHHHH... So we can fly across, I've been wondering how stupid u are." Lulu explained
"I'm 2.89 percent stupid, actually." Doogie moaned. Lulu slapped her paw on her head and pointed to a frog. They got on, and flew across. Just before they reached the end the lava pit suddenly awoken. It's beastly eye beamed at Doogie, and his monstrous tongue zoomed though the air and grabbed the poor soul. Doogie panicked, and suddenly remembered how strong he could be, so he bit the beast, and it let go of him. The next thing you know Doogie was falling for his doom.

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