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"i just need you to take care of my pet for a few hours. he'll behave don't worry." namjoon assured hoseok through the phone. the younger had been begging him to do it for a solid thirty minutes now. hoseok has high doubts as namjoon is one kinky fucker and who knows what the poor man will see once he gets to his place.

hoseok sighed, putting down the knife and rubbed his temple, "alright fine. I'll do it, but i swear to god namjoon. if i see any cum stains, a naked girl or a guy, any of your fucking sex toys, I'll leave your fuckin' apartment and delete your contact from my phone and from my life. got it?".

namjoon chuckled mischievously, "alright alright. have fun seokseok."

"don't seokseok m–" hoseok sighed once again as namjoon had hung up on him. the two had been best friends for three years now. they kind of drifted away after namjoon had gotten himself into these bdsm relationships and hoseok couldn't stop him.

with a frustrated tsk, the red haired male untied his apron and shoved the freshly cut vegetables he was preparing, "he better give me a fancy dinner in an expensive restaurant." he mumbled while walking up to his bathroom next to his room to take a shower.


pulling up at the address that was given to him, he eyed the quiet big building that is called namjoon's apartment. the building looked more like a mansion; most of the walls were mirrors and plants could be seen in every corner.

he walked up the stairs quickly to get this shit over with, stopping over the door with number '130' on top.

Hoseok hummed, how can he get in? namjoon didn't give him any key. he thought silently to himself and looked around the hall. a tall man with raven hair started walking his way, bags filled with what he guess groceries. the man was pretty broad and very mascular, hoseok couldn't help but stare at his breathtaking figure.

the godlike man looked up from his phone and looked at hoseok, who quickly looked away, his cheeks red.

"hey, are you the pet sitter that namjoon called?" oh fuck his voice was just as gorgeous.

"huh? o-oh, yeah. it's me. did he um, left any key to his door? he didn't really give it to me." he stammered nervously while scratching the back of his neck. fuck that guy for being so handsome and mascular and for making hoseok a stuttering mess.

"yeah, he did actually. here you go." the guy giggled, handing hoseok a key with namjoon's apartment number. the red haired man smiled and thanked the guy a couple of times before unlocking the said apartment.

slowly opening the door, he scanned the room to make sure it doesn't have any if the things he threatened namjoon about (which he's pretty sure the younger didn't care about). hoseok sighed as he had confirmed that its all clear, much to his relief, and walked in. he took a deeper look into the apartment and raised his brows in amusement by how neat it is, seeing as namjoon is not only kinky ass, he's also a very very messy guy.

the quite tall man roamed around the big apartment yet there's still no signs of any pet. namjoon had also mentioned about scratch marks in some placing so hoseok took it as a pet cat, which surprised him. the guy never seemed to be a cat person.

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