Chapter 1 part 2: School

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The months passed as school was starting. I was incredibly happy the way I was living now. Me and Dani had grown so close that we started calling each other sisters. The people in this house were my new family. And I couldn't be happier. I was introduced as a transfer student and all the students loved me. Because I was so happy suddenly I developed a nice and soft personality. I had a lot of friends and I tried to do good in school. Me and Dani were in the same class. I really liked art and I was good at it too. Years passed and I was about to start high school. This high school was really popular and big. It was exiting. Me and Dani were in different classes but we were together every break. While we were at lunch we couldn't help but notice that a bunch of people were really exited over somebody. When we looked over they were looking at Rias Gremory and her best friend, Akeno Himejima. Rias was the most popular student in the school. She was absolutely beautiful. Her best friend Akeno was also really popular. They were both really beautifu. I wasn't half bad either. My breasts were pretty big and my hair was a beautiful blue colour. As Rias was walking by us she suddenly looked at me, as if she got startled, but she returned her gaze forward and continued walking. I wonder what caught her eye.

Whilst at PE class I had teased Dani about a boy she liked and we started playfully chasing each other. While I was running I looked back to see if she was still behind me, I was a very fast runner. But as I was running I wasn't looking where I was going and I bumped into somebody. Without seeing who it was I apologized and when I saw who it was I realised I had bumped into Koneko Tojou. Another one of the popular girls in the school. In fact, she was like a role model for all the girls. But I didn't think long and I immediately asked it she was alright because I had ran into her at a very high speed. As I asked her she glanced up at me and looked at me shocked for a few seconds. Just like Rias had.

" I'm fine." - she then calmly said. Acting as if nothing had happened.

I gave her my hand to help her stand up and she gladly took it. I apologized once again and then Dani had ran behind me. Needless to say, she was shocked at the sight of me with Koneko Tojou. But as she tried to say something the bell rang and we had to change into our uniforms once again. As Dani and I started walking to the locker room I turned back and said goodbye to Koneko, whilst waving at her. She looked at me over her shoulder and I could feel her stare on my back as I was walking.

In the locker room I got to meet some new girls as Dani started to question me about Koneko, but as she asked why we were shaking hands I explained what had happened. The day quickly ended and Dani and I were walking back home. As we were walking home we saw Kiba Yuuto, the most popular guy in the school, by the girls, also described as the most handsome guy too. When Dani saw him she ran toward him fangirling. But I slowly was walking towards them.

"The most handsome guy in the school? I don't see anything in him." - I quietly muttered to myself.

As I stood next to Dani, Kiba turned his attention from the other girls to me and stared at me for a little bit before getting distracted by the other girls once again.

Why was everybody looking at me like that the whole day?

Once we started walking home again Dani started teasing me.

"Did you see the way he looked at you?? He likes you!!" - She said with a little jealousy in her voice.

"No way, I think he noticed that there was a girl in the school that didn't love him." - I coldly replied.

"How can you not like him?? Did you see that face?? You've got such a picky taste in men. You only like strong guys." - She said a little disappointed.

"I'm glad I actually have a taste, I don't drool over every guy like you." - I said with a smirk on my face.

"Hey!!" - Dani yelled as she playfully punched my shoulder.

I quickly turned serious as I asked her:

"Hey, is there something wrong with me?

"Why is that?" - She asks confused at my sudden mood change.

"Is there something with me today?" - I asked again.

"No, I don't think so, I haven't noticed anything. Why do you ask?" - She said turning serious too.

"Today Rias, Koneko, and Kiba suddenly looked and started staring at me. Then continued as if nothing had happened. They didn't even talk to me." - I explained.

"The popular ones huh, I didn't notice anything, but I've got to admit, they way Kiba suddenly glared at you without even knowing you were there was weird." - She honestly said.

"Maybe we're imagining it. I think we've been spending too much time together." - I said.

"Hey! You're the one that brought it up!!" - Dani playfully yelled.

After a few days I had noticed that Akeno did the same as she walked by me. While walking back from school the same day I felt eyes on me as I was walking. I looked around. But nothing but Dani was to be found.

After a few weeks had passed I started becoming popular in the school too, I was friends with pretty much everybody. But I had noticed that the members from the "Occult Research Club" were giving me weird looks sometimes. I brushed it off all the time but as I my popularity and reputation were rising they looked at me more and more. I was getting recognized to the school for my looks, hair and eyes. I had blue eyes, but the blues were variating causing some students to say that my eyes looked like the ocean resided in them.

By the end of  year I was one of the most popular students, but looks aside, I was loved by the others because of my personality. My grades were also flawless. Dani seemed to get really jealous at times because of my rise in popularity. But every time I managed to confront her saying that there were  students who wanted to be in her place, as my best friend.

A year went by and I was now a second year student. A lot of students loved my art, and every now and again I liked to give off my drawings to the students.

The times flew by as I loved spending time with all the students. But I couldn't help but get this insecure feeling while coming back and going to school. As I was walking home from the school I had forgotten that I was supposed to finish my painting for an art contest.

"Go on without me!!" - I yelled to Dani as I started going back.

"Why??!" - She asked, obviously upset.

"I need to get my painting! I'll be home for lunch!" - I said sprinting back towards the school. As I was bringing my painting back from the art classroom, I noticed something from the old school building. It was Rias Gremory, she was looking through the window looking thoughtful.

"It's nice to see them without them starring at me for once." - I sighed as I took my painting back.

After a few hours I had my painting finished and I was bringing it to the school for the contest. It was quite exiting to watch the contest to find out who was going to be the winner. After about an hour, the judges had their minds made-up. Once I heard it I couldn't be happier. I had won. The prize was a trip for the winner and another person with the winner's wish. As I was walking home I was staring at the gift cards given to me. As I was about to take a turn on the street to go to my house. I heard somebody calling out. It sounded as if they were in pain.

Chapter 1


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