Chapter 36| Carnival.

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Please read authors note at the end! I really want your guy's opinions!💕

*Hayleys POV*

I awoke the next week on Monday morning to a snoring Hayes next to me. God why do Mondays always suck? I sighed and rolled out of bed to take a shower.

I stepped out and wrapped a towel around me to go get some clothes out of the closet. Hayes was awake and on his phone when I walked into the room.

"Hey Babe, what are we doing today?" I asked and pick out light washed jean shorts, pink VS tank top, and rhinestone sandals.

"I was thinking we could take Skylynn to the carnival tonight?" He asks and wraps his arms are my stomach while placing his head on my shoulder.

"Sounds like fun." I smile.

"You remember our first date? It was at a carnival." He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"How could I forget?" I walked back into the bathroom and turned on the curling wand. While waiting, I put on my outfit and applied mascara, eyeliner, and foundation.

I curled the last strand of hair and walked downstairs to make breakfast for Skylynn and us. As I neared the kitchen, there was a smell of burnt waffle in the air.

"Hayes!" I yell laughing at him fanning the smoke away from the oven.

"Well ya see.. I tried to make waffles. Keyword: Tried." He laughed and shook his hair out.

"Go take a shower. I'll make breakfast." I said and kissed his cheek.

"I just... Wanted to help." He said looking down defeated.

"We could take that cooking class I saw?" I offered.

"Yeah but what about Sky?" He asked.

"Oh well... Well I wasn't supposed to tell you.. But The Jacks are coming down to visit for a couple of days. They're on tour and I volunteered for them to stay here." I smiled.

"Ok Great. So cooking class?"

"Cooking Class." I laughed and he went upstairs.


"Hey Sky you ready to go to the carnival?" I asked and she cam running in with the puppy.

"Can Cali come too?" She pouted holding the pug in her hands. We decided to name the puppy Cali, short for California. A lot of big things have happened here... And I hope more things are to come.

"No she can't Sky. Don't worry she'll be here when we get back." I promised and Skylynn smiled and put in her her doggy cage.

We got to the carnival and Skylynn took us to this roller coaster the has like 5 loops. Man this 8 year old is brave....

"Hayes im scared.." I whined as the workers strapped us in, Man that's awkward.

"You're a chicken" Skylynn said and stuck her tongue out. I laughed and the ride took off. I mostly screamed while Hayes held my hand and laughed at me. Wow Thanks.

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel!" Hayes yelled and grabbed both Skylynn and I's hand.

"What's with you and Ferris wheels?" I laughed as we got on. The number on the cart was 7. Weird....

"Hayes. Wasn't the Ferris wheel we rode on our first date number 7?"

"Oh yeah. My lucky number. I guess that number has brought me luck." He winks and kisses me.

"Ewww!" Skylynn yelled and I laughed into the kiss. We pulled apart as we got to the top.

"Holy Holy Holy Holy Harry Styles." I panicked. After all these years I'm still scared of heights. Hayes grabbed my hand and my nerves eased as we stopped at the bottom.

That wasn't so bad, was it?"


"Im tiredddd" I plopped down on the couch right when we got to the beach house.

"Let's build a fort!" Skylynn shrieked and I yawned.

"Too Hard. Too Lazy." I complained.

"Here Sky I'll help you." Hayes said and I smiled. He was so good with kids.

"There. All done." Hayes boosted at the fort they at just made. I have to admit it looked pretty good.

"Well done!" I applauded and went upstairs to change into pajamas. I put on lounge shorts and Hayes' lacrosse shirt and returned downstairs. Hayes and Skylynn were knocked out asleep right in the middle of the fort with Cali on top of Hayes. I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture and posted it.

I turned on the tv and watched old episodes of Drake and Josh. That show is life.

I expected Hayes or Skylynn to wake up, but nothing. I guess heavy sleepers run in the family.

Now, a sweet, caring, person would crawl down on the hard floor next to them and sleep. But nah. I'll take the comfy couch.


Credits to @hayeslovesyou for the dogs name Cali💕

Anyway, so I'm trying to think of some good ways to add some drama, and how to end the book. {which will be awhile, I promise🌚}

So I was thinking. Spoiler: after they get married or whatever, Hayley ends up pregnant, but doesn't tell Hayes because he's out of town for awhile for a tv show? How does that sound? This is not set in stone or anything, but I thought it might work! What do you guys think about that?

Comment please it would mean a lot!🙈

Thanks for 24k💕


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