4.3 ♜ Here We Lock Up

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Ron could've sworn the scent belonged to some good ass popcorn but they ended up standing in front of a stall with an awning striped in red-white and  'Best Butterscotch' written on a white board with a yellow curly font

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Ron could've sworn the scent belonged to some good ass popcorn but they ended up standing in front of a stall with an awning striped in red-white and  'Best Butterscotch' written on a white board with a yellow curly font.

He wasn't disappointed about it... he just really wanted popcorn. Now he actually regretted not heading for the theatre because he was granted to get some there. Carl was walking next to him touching Rons hand with his fingertips ever so slightly with every time it dangled back and forth in the air and crossed with Ron's who had his arms rather stiff by his sides.

The grey pavement was free from other people and it was only the two of them occupying it as they crested it towards the stall with the delicious scent that let the salvia leak into Ron's mouth.

The stall itself was abandoned from the person who ran it, but the food was still there, presented on a flat white plate on the front and stocked in giant cookie jars in the back. They could just go around and grab anything without having the trouble of asking someone first. Much to Ron's liking.

Carl implied for him to sit into one of the red cocktail stool and Ron did. "Want anything from the back?" he asked.

Ron pulled his face into a brooding look and inspected the cookie jars. "Yeah, open the second" he said, pointing at the only jar filled to the very top with golden-brown coloured goods.

"Sure thing" Carl smiled at him then bridged over to the other side of the stall and turned his back towards Ron as he worked the cookie jar open. Ron absentmindedly watched the muscles under Carl's shirt that shifted and moved every time he made a movement with his arm. It didn't take him long for his mind to drift away to the bad things that happened. The gate wasn't locked anymore, yet they couldn't escape either because of the black matter which would probably eat them away like all the trees and bushes and Alexandria. Hell, he didn't even know for sure if that would happen but from the looks of it and what happened to the piece of demon of his pants, it seemed like the thing was not to be played with.

"What if we're stuck here forever?" He muttered, more to himself than anyone in particular but Carl had heard it and looked over his shoulder for a brief second before he focused back on the jar "I'll figure something out."

Though his voice sounded so soft and reassuring, it didn't do the job of convincing Ron that they weren't doomed withal. "What if you don't, though? What if things get worse than out there? You mentioned him. You think he's here? If so, what isn't here? How can we be sure there's not another load of monsters just waiting for us to step out alone to lay their filthy hands on us?"

"Ron," Carl said in a silvery voice, his hands stopped working and he turned to face him "Don't worry, I said I get you back and I will. Alright?"

Ron pouted, plastering his hands flat on the table with his palms facing downwards. He let his gaze fall from Carl's back and onto his knuckles "I don't know..."

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