How Long Will I Love You? (Trigger Warning)

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Eliza's Pov:

 I had woken up in Maria's arms again, for the third time, from a nightmare. This time she didn't wake up, so I sat in silence. The nightmares were getting the best of me, and I needed some time to calm down. They were vivid, and always either had death or fatal wounds involved. Otherwise it was Maria leaving me, and every time I thought of that, it made me go into a fit of tears. I love her too much, and I don't know what I would do if I were to lose her. I don't want to relapse and go back to that dark place I used to be in. It was dark, cold, lonely, and painful. The scars are still there, faded, but there. She had never taken notice of them, which was nice, because I'm sure she would leave me if she knew. I slowly slip out of her arms and creep into the bathroom, closing the door behind me, and turning on the lights. I know it was wrong. I know it was stupid, but it gave me that feeling of relief before the pain kicks in. I held my arm over the sink, and looked away, only hearing the slight sliitttt  of the razor. I washed the blood away, and as usual it kept coming. I hear the door creak open, and on the other side of it is Maria. Maria.

Maria's Pov:

"Elizabeth Schuyler! What the fuck are you doing?????!!!! Baby, what were you thinking!" I scream as I see blood trickle down Eliza's arm, razor in hand. I grab the razor carefully, throw it away, then pick Eliza up bridal style and put her on the counter. I grab my old emergency kit from my room and rush back. I had done the same things she had done, so I was ready for anything. I grabbed the disinfectant and gauze, and start cleaning the slashes in her skin, crying over her. I grab the cream, and smear it over the cuts carefully. Once that was finished, I grabbed some bandages and wrapped them tightly around her arm. Then I made tea, and sat her down to talk. "Why did you do it 'Liza? I love you with all my heart. I can't bare to see you like this, it upsets me too much." "I'm afraid you don't love me, and that if you ever were to leave, I wouldn't be able to control myself," she squeaked, as I tightly wrapped her in my warm embrace. "How long will I love you? I will love you for the eternity we have together. I love you way too much to leave you." I respond kissing her on the forehead, letting my tears trickle down her face. "Really?" she piped up, and I didn't know any other way to answer, so I kiss her, long and hard,passionately, hoping she would see how much I love her. By the time we had broken apart, it was 2 in the morning, and we snuggled watching Hercules until we had managed to fall asleep.

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