Chapter 1

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A few days would come and go slowly and each would find Luna recovering at seemingly the same pace, until finally, she was able to be given a health potion to help speed up the healing process; it would take at least another day or two for her to even attempt using magic and today was the day, though it worried her greatly. As she sat on the ground, she heard Solas walking around her and finally closed her eyes in the attempt to begin a meditative process which would then allow her to access her magic, if she had any. She was greatly unsure of herself but with his gentle guidance, she was soon able to zone out any and all noise but his voice. With her eyes closed in this meditative state, she did not know that the Herald and the Commander had come to search for both her and Solas, but from what she could hear in Solas's voice something was happening to greatly excite the elven mage, though not in a good way. She did not yet dare to open her eyes, but she couldn't have anyway as she felt something beyond the now dark lids of her eyes which called to her, then she felt the benevolent energy of something wrapping around her and opening her souls eyes for the briefest of moments she came face to face with a gorgeous large female cat-like creature whose golden eyes met Luna's sapphire ones. As she and the cat stared each other down, Luna could hear Solas trying to call her back but the cat kept her enraptured. "Listen well little cub of mine. You are not destined to be a wielder of magic. That is not your path," The cat told Luna as she studied the great creature before her. "You are a Lioness, born to rival the Lion who stalks within the Inquisition. But to where he uses brute strength, you will use your claws and stealth." The cat's right ear flicked back as Luna watched her and then the majestic beast stood. "This will hurt for a while my little cub, but it is needed." With those words, the cat, who Luna identified as a lioness, pounced on her and at the same time the claws dug into Luna's chest tearing it open, the large incisors of the lioness's mouth punctured into Luna's throat, causing the connection between the cat and her to shatter.

Luna jumped to her feet with a surprised yelp as her eyes snapped open to look around her as Solas and the Herald rushed to her side. "Luna!" the Herald called out as she made it to Luna's side. "Are you okay?" The woman inquired from Luna as she tried to gather her bearings about what had just happened, but Luna was so disorientated that it took several minutes for her to realize who was speaking to her.

"I..." Luna shook her head to try and clarify her thoughts but that didn't seem to be working. Soon enough she was able to make a semi-coherent thought and told them what had just happened, or tried to as she couldn't really make sense of what had happened aside from the cat attacking her.

"It...attacked you...after it spoke?" The Commander questioned coming up to them as Luna turned her gaze to him and nodded, still a touch dazed from what had transpired. He could see that she couldn't quite make sense of what had just happened, and, for the moment, decided against judging her outright. "Are you alright?" He asked as she finally met his amber colored eyes.

"Ask me again in an hour when I can form a complete thought," She told him as he frowned worriedly. He wasn't about to press the matter though, he knew it would take her some time to fully recover and so dropped it but did manage to ask her one more question.

"Perhaps you should go lay down?" He questioned as he was the first to note that she looked about ready to fall over. The Herald and Solas quickly agreed with the thought and she was lead back to her tent with the Herald worrying over her like a mother hen, much to the minor irritation of Luna. Is she truly not supposed to walk the path of a mage? Cullen questioned as he walked away from that area to return to training the soldiers. But later on in the day, around the hours of the early afternoon, he saw Luna up and about once more and saw that she was speaking with the Herald who looked to be laughing at something Luna had just said. Something in him urged him to speak with Luna, to check her over and make sure that she was alright, but he kept his distance. Well, he did until the Herald left Luna standing alone, then he waited a bit longer before approaching her, only to hear her singing softly under her breath. It sounded almost as if it was a lullaby of some sort, and couldn't help but stop in his tracks to listen to her. She sang it so softly that he could dare to venture to guess that she probably didn't want anyone listening to her. Shaking himself from his sudden stupor, he walked forward and addressed her as she turned her soft voice into a gentle humming. "Ah, Lunaria?" He asked as she turned her head to watch him finish his approach.

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