Chapter 2

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Luna left Leliana and went to seek out the woman she had recommended speaking to. While Leliana was more than happy to fill Luna in on their religion, Leliana had informed Luna that the woman, Mother Giselle, would be able to tell her more and in better detail but as Luna approached the elder woman, Giselle could almost seemingly sense Luna's feelings and motioned for Luna to follow. As the two spoke, Luna felt better and better about the choice she was soon going to possibly make. "Tell me are you doing this for someone who has caught your attention?"

"No, Mother Giselle." Luna told her not realizing who Giselle had seen approaching as the man stopped in his tracks to listen to the ass end of their conversation. "I am not doing this for anyone, but I also know that if I do make this decision, I want to be well informed before I do."

"A wise move on your part child. It is a large step and one not to be taken lightly. I would suggest thinking more about it before making the final decision."

"I will, thank you, Mother Giselle."

"Do not thank me just yet." With that, the Revered Mother walked away leaving Luna by herself as her thoughts swirled around in her head like a swarm of angry wasps.

When Luna turned to walk away from that area, a voice had her jumping about a foot into the air with a slight yelp. "I am so sorry!" Cullen apologized as Luna covered the area over her now racing heart with a hand. "Maker, I am so sorry!" He watched as she looked to him.

"How long were you there for?" She asked as she felt her heart calming down.

"Only long enough to hear the end of your conversation with the Mother. Is everything alright?" He asked worriedly as Luna nodded.

"Up until a minute ago everything was fine. Are you aware that for such a well built man you move really quietly even in armor?" She asked as he scratched the back of his head.

"I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to frighten you." Cullen blushed slightly as she smiled.

"It's fine, but next time a little bit of a warning would be appreciated," Luna giggled slightly as he smiled.

"I'll keep that in mind," Cullen smiled at hearing her giggle, "But is everything alright?" He asked again as Luna nodded.

"Everything is fine, I just had some thoughts that needed to be cleared up." She told him as he watched her. They spoke for a while longer but eventually he had to return to the troops and Luna had some serious thinking to do. As she sat on her cot, she was looking at the journal she had been writing and doodling in and frowned as she reached over and opened it to write in it. She wrote the date and wrote down everything that had happened that day but paused after asking herself a question on the page that echoed in her thoughts as well. Do I want to do this? I've been without a religion for as long as I can remember that to suddenly pick up one now...Luna closed her eyes and thought it over carefully. She weighed all options, all the pros and all the cons of her situation now, and sighed as she wrote something in the journal before closing it and, setting it upon her cot, she stood and went to go seek out Mother Giselle. When the woman saw Luna approaching, she wondered what choice she had made and smiled gently as Luna finished her approach. "Mother Giselle? I have chosen..."

It wouldn't be until an hour later that Cullen, along with Lavellan, were looking for Luna in the hopes that she knew where Leliana and Cassandra had suddenly vanished off to, but so far their search was fruitless until they came across Varric who looked up at their approach. "Herald, Curly." He greeted them as Lavellan spoke.

"Varric, do you know where Luna, Leliana or Cassandra are at?" Lavellan asked as the dwarf pointed towards the Chantry.

"Should be in there. Last I saw they were with the Revered Mother." He told them as Lavellan and Cullen looked at each other with confusion. "Something about a Conversion to Andraste or something like that. I don't know. All I know is that Kitty was with the Revered Mother and Leliana and Cassandra were bubbling with excitement." Varric told them as he watched their faces.

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