Chapter 3

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Luna found herself sitting on her new bed with her nerves all but on edge. Three weeks had passed, Skyhold was fully repaired and was now the fully functioning home base of the Inquisition's operations, and Luna was tearing herself apart. She found that she couldn't sit still any longer and was soon pacing in front of the end of her bed, even as a knock at the door to her room sounded she just couldn't still herself. "Enter," She called out as the door opened to reveal Lavellan coming in.

"Nervous?" The elf asked as Luna shot her a look.

"How can I not be? This is my father who is arriving today!" Luna continued to pace heavily. "I don't know what he's like, or how he will even react to seeing me! Hell! I don't know how I will react to seeing him! On top of that I'm... Fuck what will he say if he finds out about Cullen and I?!"

"So your worried about how he will react to your relationship with the Commander?"

"It's on my list of top things I'm worried about." Luna frowned. A few days ago after she had returned with Lavellan from the Hinterlands, Luna had finally worked up the nerve to speak with Cullen about her growing feelings for him and now she lost herself in the wonderful and almost embarrassing memory leading up their kiss on the battlements.

Luna sighed as she woke up for the day. They had returned from the Hinterlands after helping Lavellan close a rift AND slaying a dragon at Bull's insistence. Luna had gotten away with some minor injuries like the rest of the gang, but now had a permanent reminder of how the beast had tried, and failed, to kill them through the scar that ran from her shoulder blade, over her shoulder, and ended halfway on her chest. She sat up as she felt a headache start up on the right side of her head and slightly groaned before a gentle knock sounded at her door, "Just a minute!" She called out as she rubbed her head trying to rid herself of the headache, but decidedly gave up as she stood and walked over to her desk calling out for the person to enter as she sat in her chair after throwing on a robe. No, she didn't go to bed completely bare to the world, in fact she wore pajama bottoms and an oversized shirt, but the robe being thrown on was for an added measure.

"Luna?" The voice belonged to someone very familiar to her by now and as she turned her gaze to see Cullen walking in, she noted the look of worry on his face when he spotted her. "Are you alright?" he asked worriedly as she frowned.

"Just a headache." She replied as she looked away to glance over a bunch of Maker forsaken letters. Letters from Nobles who she could honestly say she could greatly care less about, but while part of her wanted to burn the letters right then and there, she decided to not piss off Josephine. "What are you doing up this late?" She asked as Cullen removed a bracer and one of his gloves. He placed his wrist on her forehead and counted for a few breaths, before pulling away.

"Feels more like your starting to run a fever." He commented as she frowned.

"It's just a headache," She told him again, "I haven't been sick in at least... I want to say at least six years." She squinted at the first letter she had to read. The writing was smaller than what she was used to and it hurt her eyes to look at it for too long, so she set it off to the side to attempt to read later. "I was up late last night after we returned, and was reading over some letters." She told him as he shook his head, "How in the living hell can anyone read this?" She wondered more to herself then to him as he noted that she was reading over another letter with small words. "It's no wonder I have a bloody headache! Maker!" She grumbled as he turned back to her with a slight smirk. It seemed to him that the longer she stayed in Thedas, the more she picked up on their swearing and the less she used her world's swearing. He watched as she scratched at an itch on the back of her head as she mumbled something about kicking Josephine's ass and some other incoherent things (he was pretty sure he heard something about masks in her sentences as well but wasn't too sure). She did, however, stop to yawn and he frowned as he took a letter from her hands, ignoring her protesting, and looked her over before pointing to her bed.

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