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In the middle of the night, I noticed that the strange dreams began to take a more lucid turn. They were frighteningly real before, but I felt more in the skin of the people I dreamed of, if that made sense. I dreamed of being Ebony once more, and instead of it having anything to do with Salt, she fought someone whom she called a "Dark general".

That dream faded as soon as my eyes opened.

I woke in the midst of that dream, and glanced over. I had Dillan's books collected to the side of my bed, neatly propped against the mattress, waiting to be read. The notebooks had paper within the metal spiral, and were very thin, suggesting he had torn a lot of paper out of it. I picked up book two by random and opened to another randomly selected page.

I have come to the conclusion Emma Whitestone is so attractive to humans because she is a succubus.

The handwriting was unique, messy, and thinning on the edges. Definately that of a teenage boy.

I wrinkled my brow in confusion, not a bit amused. I set that book down and, in the dark, went for book one. I used my air to flip on the lightswitch, and opened it up the the first page, not including the title page.

Everyone suffers it differently. Some are cut off from reality in the midst of beginning again. Some experience great physical and mental pain until the day they begin again. Some wait to suffer until after they begin.

This caught my interest.

There is a transitions occurring there. Imagine: Your whole life you were human, and then you wake up as something else with the fate of existence on your shoulders. This is the way I suffered. I tarnished like metal under the stress of what I could barely believe was real. And what had triggered it? Of course, it was my bloodline. I was found by my Apotropaic, Carter Vurandoes. He came to Earth in a vessel, looking for me, the Vurandoes prophet of darkness.

So the tacosexual boy could be serious if he wanted to!

To understand some of these things, Emma Whitestone, you should begin reading information at the second book while following book one.

I was already used to the fact that these books had been addressed to me. They were written in pen. The ink, at the time of the party, had been able to smear. It suggested Dillan had gone back in older pages to write to me directly, and left the books where he knew I'd snoop. At this point in time, I didn't imagine myself as 'crazy', either. After all, other people experienced the weird daydreams and such. Isn't that what Dillan had claimed in the first passage?

I leaned over and picked up book two.


Murondoes, Angels - Nahara Claire (Light)

Minium, Faeries - Unknown (Fire)

Kalos, Demons - Emma Whitestone (Wind)

I stiffened at the words sprawled open to my eyes. Dillan knew about my air. And If I wasn't mistaken, Oliver had called me a demon in one of my former dreams. Is it true? I'm a demon? Perhaps calling me a succubus hadn't been a joke to Dillan, but the truth... I chortled at the thought. What a weird prank, I thought underneath my fear, and turned the page.

Bleahdos (Demons) - Fango Mills (Earth)

Minios (Faeries) - Delta Waters (Water)

Vurandoes (Angels) - Dillan Raking (obviously) (Darkness)

Although the entirety of the six kingdoms was ruled by one deity, two of them have had a founder from the beginning. Murondoes was founded by Jupus, and Kalos was founded by Ebony.

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