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"Wake up."


"You're the last one left."

The first thing I noticed when I moved my arm across the ground to push myself up was that the grass was dry, prickly. The ache of my muscles was nothing compared to the shock that barrelled through me. I had never seen nor felt grass like this. It was yellow, coming in dry seas across a stretch of unfamiliar land.

I ran my hand across the grass. A foreign little bug jumped onto my hand, it's tough back legs twitching. I gave it a little scared smile, showing it that I was harmless and just as lost as it was.

The little bug hopped away, barely registering me as a threat. The creature was not a threat to me, either..

I sat up on my knees, glancing around the field I was in. To the left, far off, there was a range of mountains with a little haze drifting about it. To the right, the plane sloped up into a field. It was, in one word, peaceful. I set my hands in my lap and glanced around. There had to be an explanation about why I was here, and where I was.

I was alone.

I stood up, biting my lip. The muscles in my legs twitched, and my stance wobbled. I nearly fell before catching myself with nothing but my balance. I suddenly felt queasy. "Ah... Is anybody... there..?"

I was alone.

There was a scuffling noise from where the land dipped, and I swung my head in the direction of the sound. My hand instinctively went for my belt, but my sword was missing. Cold sweat dribbled down my forehead as I stepped back.

What came into my sight were two... I wasn't sure what. They looked like me, but they seemed to be an entirely different species. They didn't have the musk of a demon nor the scent of an angel, not even the mix of a faerie. Instead, they had their own unique stench that probably appeared so bad because I wasn't used to it.

One was male, and one was female. I could tell that the female had a child in her stomach. Her body was welled up in that fashion, and her breasts looked nearly ready to produce milk. The male was well-muscled with a mess of dark hair over his head. The fact that they were naked and without armor led me to believe that they were peaceful.

I sat upright, my black eyes meeting their brown and green ones. I truly was nervous, but I had to meet these new creatures in good will. "Hello, there. I mean no harm. I apologize if I tresspassed."

The male gave me a gentle smile. He gestured towards himself. "Adam," he said. He put his hand on his mate's shoulder. "This is Eve."

I took a cautious step forward, and they showed no tension. So I merely dipped my head and said, "Nice to meet you. My name is Lilith."


I woke to the smell of permanent marker shifting below my nostrils. An invader jumped back, and I swung my head around. The person in the seat behind me, revealed to be Dillan, was holding a sharpie to his chest.

I swiped my wrist across my lip frantically, shooting him a hard glare. "What the hell were you drawing on me?" My gaze flew over to Oliver, sleeping in the seat beside me. He had a taco on his face, and a message that read 'Fango is bae'. My glare flew back to him as I grit my teeth. "Can you fucking be mature for once in your god damn lives?"

Dillan pointed at Fango in the seat beside him. "He was in on it, too!"

"What did you draw on my face?" I hoped that they hadn't gotten very far on their little 'artistic' attempt. "You drew a taco, didn't you."

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