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(Continuation of Chapter 11)

Letting go of Andi's hands, Buffy proceeded to lighten the conversation.

"So, do you have a name." Buffy asked.

"Ya, it's Andi..." Andi responded, confused.

Me and Buffy laughed lightly presuming that Andi was cracking a joke, but she just looked confused. Hey, Andi isn't the smartest of the Good-Hair Crew. That award would definitely have to go to me. Okay, okay, it would probably go to Buffy, but I'm not that far off, I think.

"Not you bobo. The baby." Buffy and I said in unison, laughing hysterically. I swear, she's really rubbing off on me. Or maybe I'm rubbing off on her?

Andi tried her best to look offended but it was clear that she was trying her best to hold in her laughter as well.

Calming down, Buffy re-asked the question.

"So, any names, for the Baby?" she asked, emphasizing the end.

"No, not yet." Andi started. "I should ask Jonah first." Andi slipped out, immediately realizing what she said, causing her to clasp her hand around her mouth.

The awkwardness from earlier came back and filled the air once again, but I was too angry to let it stay.

"Andi, is there something you need to tell us?" I asked in an assertive voice, trying to hold in my anger.

", I'm not ready." Andi said, nervously trying to hide something.

"Oh no, your not gonna get out that easy this time," I said, my anger starting to show through my voice.

"What's Jonah's relation to the Baby?" I demanded t know.

"Father...Jonah's the father." She whispered, looking down.

"You cheating, lying boyfriend stealer! I thought that you were my friend! I trusted you! Now I know your nothing more than... Nothing more than a WHORE!" I said, letting my anger run free as threw the baby tators off the table.

Pushing past Buffy, I walked out of the spoon. With anger blinding me, I didn't even notice the full-on blizzard raging on right before me. Still, I trudged on through the snow until I reached Jonah's house.

Not bothering to knock, I busted into the house, leaving the door open behind me. Running up to Jonah's room, I barged in, letting the door slam against the wall. As soon as I entered the room, I was confronted with an overwhelming smell of beer. Just looking around, I easily spotted 5 empty beer bottles, not including the one in Jonah's hand.

"Don't even bother to knock, do you Cy." Jonah said, controlling his slur.

"Don't Cy me you fuckboy. You think that you can knock up Andi and come crawling to me!" I said in an aggressive tone.

"Do you think I give a fuck." Jonah responded. "I couldn't care less about you or Andi." He said whilst stumbling towards me and pushing me against the wall. I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"Well you better give a fuck!" I said trying to push him back, but ultimately being overpowered.

"You just made a big mistake." he said.

Pulling me up by my hair, causing me to wince in pain, he started to knee me in the gut. Knee after Knee, it felt like being stabbed a thousand times. Soon he got tired out, but the torture wasn't over. Grabbing the front of my face with his free hand, he slammed my head against the wall, causing me to become lightheaded for about thirty seconds. He then slapped me before letting go of my hair, causing my body to collapse into the fetal position.

Before going back into his bottle, Jonah kicked me once more in the gut. Soon, I started to feel dizzy as my vision blurred, ultimately leading me to black out.

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