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White light surrounded me as I stepped into the sphere, the brightness burning my skin, This burning feeling gave way to numbness however, as the white light morphed into a reddish hew. At first, a light salmon-colored pink could just be made out, overpowered by the blinding light, but this slight pink gradually strengthened in occupancy until it achieved a dark red. The color of blood. As this blood red overtook my vision, the same entity that pushed me into this sphere seemed to be pulling me out. Gradually at first, but harder as time progressed, until it felt as if I was being forcefully drug out, making it out of the sphere. This sphere continued to shrink in size until it was but a speck, consumed by the darkness.

My eyes had begun to flutter open as I heard the muffled wails of a siren and the whine of an engine. An oxygen mask covered my face, providing a constant gush of cold air. Breathing was difficult, mustering up all of my strength to take in just a single breath. The ambulance I was in was going fast. Shelves were rumbling whilst the entire frame seemed to shift. Two paramedics were frantically injecting the IV tubes with various cocktails of medicines, one of which caused me to go unconscious yet again.

I awoke to the sound of beeps, whith pumps sucking out every drop of air in my lungs only to refill them with dry, recirculated oxygen as I was confronted by the overwhelming smell of sterilization. My eyes seemed heavy as I tried to open them. After a couple attempts, I was successful in getting my eyelids to open about half-way. My vision was blurred, but I was just able to make out another person in the room.

"Please, don't leave me. Don't leave me again." I hear a familiar voice say in quite sobs through mg muffled ears.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said in a raspy voice.

Almost instantly I felt the warmth of Jonah's embrace as he wrapped his arms around me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"I missed you." He said as he hugged me tighter, tears pouring down his porcelain cheeks.

"Well, you don't have to anymore." I whispered in a reassuring voice, whipping the tears away from his deep emerald eyes.

Right then and there, the door banged open to revile Buffy and Andi, standing their watery eyed with smiles plastered across their faces.

Buffy sprinted across the room, tears streaming down her face as she screamed my name in a high-pitched voice. Knocking over various boxes, she got over to me and pushed Jonah out of the way, cradling my head in her arms.

Andi followed suit, all-be-it in walking pace. Her hand was on her knee while her stomach had seemingly gotten larger, with a distinctive hump-forming. It was strange seeing her progress so quickly. It seemed like just two days when she handed Buffy the pregnancy test. Wait, wasn't two days ago.

A nurse then popped into the room, carrying a handful of saline bags. She went about her daily routine until she turned towards my general direction, locking onto my eyes with her own. A feeling of disbelief spread across her face as she quickly turned around and hurriedly left the room to find, what I presumed, was a doctor.

After a couple of minutes, a team of three doctors had assembled just outside of my room. I was just able to hear their faint conversation from my bed.

"He's a damn lucky boy, let me tell you that." One of the doctors spoke causing the other two to make noises that sounded like words of approval.

"Sure is. So, who's gonna break the news." Another doctor said.

"I got this one, if you guys don't mind." The third doctor suggested whilst turning the handle.

Soon enough the door opened for a third time, revealing an old, gray-haired doctor.

Hi, Cyrus Goodman, right." The doctor asked, holding out his arm.

Nodding, I shook his hand, asking :
"And you are?"

"Dr. Mercal." He replied letting go of my hand.

"So, Cyrus, it might concern you to know that we were able to remove a majority of the bullet, but there still are a considerable amount of fragments, mainly surrounding your heart, but these are too small to be of any harm." He reassured, handing me a copy of my x-ray.

Continuing, he stated, "It should also concern you that in order to give your body proper time to heal, we were forced to put your into an induced coma for three and a half weeks."

My body started to tense up as sweat began dripping from my forehead. Thankfully Jonah picked up on my change in mood, strengthening his grip on my hand.

After I had calmed down, Dr. Mercal preceded to speak again. "I also have a note from law enforcement." He began as he took out a neatly folded yellow paper from his shirt pocket. Infolding it, he began to read allowed. "The weapon thought to be used in the crime was a loaded handgun."
"No, really." Dr. Mercal said sarcastically, causing the room to fill with giggles.
"After conclusive fingerprint testing..." Dr. Mercal began again "the suspect thought to be responsible for the crime is..."

Love or Hate- A Jyrus FanficWhere stories live. Discover now