Chapter 1

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•Annabelle's Pov•
Today is the day to say goodbye to my home and all my friends in New York. I don't really want to move but my dad just keeps saying "At least we'll get a fresh start at life". I know he is hurting just as much as me. He lost his partner and his soulmate. Same goes for my siblings, I know they're grieving just as much as me, but they haven't changed as much as I have since the car accident. The truth is, I only want to stay here because this is where my mom passed away and where her body lies. I just can't leave, it's just too hard. I know she would want me to move on in life, but how can I? My best friend is gone, my mom is gone! I have nobody to tell my daily problems to, nobody else will understand besides my mom. Everything is different now and I don't want anything to change. I just wish everything would be like it was a few weeks ago, where mommy was alive. But she's gone now and she's left me alone in this place called hell. I used to be a happy and outgoing person but as soon as I found out the bad news, I changed instantly. My behaviour, personality even the way I look and speak to other people has changed. My whole real identity is gone. The old Annie is gone and she's never coming back!
I picked up the last box from my room. A tear fell from my eye as I carried the box to the moving truck. We were really moving, far far away. I just can't do this. I dropped the box and ran, as far as I could. I made it to the park up the street and just sat on a swing and cried my eyes out. I heard footsteps coming, I wiped my eyes and pretended I was fine "Who's there?.." I asked, trying to make it sound like I hadn't been crying "It's daddy" he said as he walked over to me "Annie, what's wrong?" my dad asked as he sat on the swing beside me "N-nothing" I lied "I just needed a break" I bit my lip, would he buy it? He nodded and sighed as he put his arm on me "I'm so proud of you, Anns. You've been so strong through this hard time. Thank you for trying to be happy, especially in front of me" he wiped his eyes and kissed my forehead. We walked back to the house and got into the car as we prepared for a whole day of travelling in a car for over 24 hours.

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