Velonic Information

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Name: Velonic. She is proud of her name but she will let people give her nick names. Her most common nick name is Vel.

Age: She looks between 16 and 19 in her human form but she is actually more than 500,000, years old, maybe even more. She is an adult in dragon years.

Height: Around the same size of a 5 story building.

Birthday: January 18

Sexuality: Straight

Friends: Elessar (Deceased), Silverwings (Gone).

Powers: Mindlink ((Can speak in people's mind.)), able to control fire and earth but can control fire better than her earth power.

Strengths/Advantages: She is large in size standing over 5 stories tall. She has a thick scaled hide that can not be pierced by any blade unless possessed with dark magic. She has sharp talons, teeth, spikes, horns, and blades which can slice through almost anything. She has great flying ability but can't fly as fast as normal dragons because of her enormous size. She has excellent hearing, sight, and smell, no one can sneak up on her unless nature is in the attackers favor or again possessed with dark magic.

Weaknesses: She is normally to kind to harm anyone and will only attack if attacked which is why she has so many scars. Also when she is mad she doesn't think straight and goes on a rampage, which isn't good in fighting style. Also she will not harm a child, not even if it is evil or a demon from hell.

Parents: Her mother's name was Sapphire and her dad's name was Dargin.

Siblings: She had a sister named Tigra and had a smaller brother named Dawin. (Both deceased.)

Past: (Velonic doesn't really like talking about her childhood or teenage years unless she trust you or you are close to her. Other than that she will ignore or disregard anything to do with her past. But since I'm the admin I am gonna tell you anyway.)

When Velonic was just a teenager she and her two siblings went out hunting. On their way back with livestock in their talons, they were attacked by huge black dragons much older than they. She couldn't protect herself because she was younger and weaker than the black dragons. As the unwanted visitors knocked out Velonic, they went after her siblings. When Velonic woke up she was in a cell alone, no one was there with her. Rage and furry surged through her as she thought her siblings dead. The ground beneath her feet rumbled and she discovered her first elemental power, earth even though this wasn't her most liked powers it was still her first. Breaking through the cell with the new found power, after many tries, she flew toward her parents cave were she hoped to tell them what happened. But to her horror she found her parents dead at the entrance of her home. Sorrow and another wave of rage consumed her. She started tearing down trees, lashing out at everything but when she lifted a paw to strike another tree down, a blue fireball came out and struck the tree. Velonic had discovered her second elemental power, fire. Most dragons are naturally born with the ability to produce fire but her dragon species is somehow different. Ever since that tragic day Velonic had been on her own, surviving to her adult hood. She had been training her powers ever since. And found she likes fire much more than her earth.

Favorite Quote: "We never know what would've happened, but what will happen is another matter entirely." ~Aslan

Theme Song:
Monster by Imagine Dragons.

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