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Personality: Velonic is a gentle soul who is very kind and sweet. She had always been calm in nature and over her years she has become wise but isn't always full of wisdom. She hates upsetting people and always puts peoples needs before her own, pure in her intentions. She is loyal to her friends and will protect all of them with her life. It would be wise not to mess with her or her close friends. She, however, is very polite and tends to be shy and quiet when she wants to be or when she is nervous/embarrassed. She can be very adult like but if you get to know her she is very goofy and fun, somewhat of a kid at heart at times. She can be flirty if you are a special guy but she rarely does that, she finds that degrading. Velonic does have anger issues when it comes to certain things but she is mostly patience and tries to remain calm on those things. She tends to also be cold and guarded, that however is just part of her past and depends on who you are.

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