Chapter three: Love

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Kyla was at home on her bed her lamp was on she was staring out into the night sky she couldn't focus on life, her mind always went back to him. She decided to text him something that has been on her mind

Hey Daniel


I like you, as a friend

Oh well me too😊

Do you want to be secret friends?

Why can't we talk at school Kyla?

Well. Wouldn't it seem weird for our friends wouldn't they like ship us

Oh ok can I ask you something? Kyla?


Do you want to be my girlfriend?😶

Kyla was in complete shock. But she knew she had to ask her father. She texted back

Umm well, I have to ask my parent about this.

Oh.. Ok. Text me tomorrow night.

Yeah.. Night.

Kyla went downstairs seeing her father and brother watching tv. Kyla told her father everything

"So can I be his girlfriend? Please?"

"Well you can be friends and get to know each other"
Kyla pouted.

*next day in the morning*

Kyla texted Daniel and told him about it


I want to say yes but.

Do you actually want to be my girlfriend?

Yes I do. I have to go now

Kyla didn't completely understand something. She just went on with her day she was waiting for the bus someone tapped her shoulder she saw Daniel

"U-umm hey Daniel."

"Are you serious?" Daniel was smiling

"You serious?"
"Yes!.." Kyla was blushing like cray cray.

The two were waiting for the bus it was silence and awkward then Kyla felt something touch her hand she turned seeing Daniel trying to hold her hand. Daniel then interlocked and held her hand Kyla was smiling. Her heart rate was just off the chart. The bus came they got onto the bus Daniel let go of her hand Kyla felt disappointed. They sat at the backseat.

"Hey Daniel umm what's your favourite song?"

"Hmm shape of you by Ed sheeran"

"Favourite colour?"
"Mine is purple, so purple plus green = greenish purple"

Daniel smiled at that then took out his phone putting on a song. He played shape of you. Kyla's eyes lit up


"Oi!! Be Quiet!!"

Kyla was sad whimpering like a pup. Daniel put his arm around her holding her

"There there."

"What am I now a pup?"
"Most likely yes. But my little pup"

"I'm fourteen"
"I'm fifteen one year older than you"
Kyla was whimpering again

"There there."

They both laughed it off. The bus came to a stop. They got off seeing their school the bell hasn't ringed yet. Then a guy put his arm around Daniel

"Yo Daniel come here I need to show you something cool" he just pulled Daniel away from her.

Kyla walked into the crowd she didn't see any of her friends

I hear laughing. Are they laughing at me?.. They think I'm weird. I'm not looking good don't look at me..

Kyla felt something push her agasint the wall she opened her eyes seeing..

"Jack! Let me go!"
"What's the matter? Too weak to fight back?"
Kyla then slapped jack in the face he laughed

"No one cares about you or even loves you!" Then there was a voice behind Jack

"Your wrong. I care for her I love her. I will protect her. Even if it's a risk."
Jack turned around Daniel grabbed him then started punching him. Kyla fell to the ground catching her breath. Daniel went up to her he had a bruise of his face Daniel helped her up

"Y-your face."
"It's fine don't worry. I've been through worse."

"What happened to Jack?"
"Don't worry I made sure he won't hurt you again. Listen I will always love you I won't fall for any other girl"


"I promise.. I love you"

"L-love you too."

That was the first time a boy ever said I love you to Kyla..
He promised.

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