Chapter 8 - Carlie

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I woke with a start. There were screams outside. “Athena! Athena! Wake up! There are screams outside in the distance!” I screamed at her.

“Wake the boys and get dressed.” She said determined. I did what I was told and got the boys up and dressed but we were still moving too slow! The screams were getting closer by the minute. Athena shouted from the front of the house to get in the car and get in there now. I was just about to get in the car when I remembered my bow and arrows under my bed. I am great at archery and I wouldn’t leave my bow anywhere so I ran back inside much to Athena’s disgust and grabbed my bow and arrows.

Athena was grumpy at me when I came back out but eased up when she saw my bow in my hand. She started the car and drove off towards the oncoming screams and towards the school. 

The school is split up into different buildings and each corridor has a name. There are corridors ranging from a-l, a, b and c are linked together and the f, g, h, I, and j corridors are connected.

We were driving as fast as we could past all of the people running in the opposite direction when we saw some kids from school. Damon and Christian were running as fast as they could away from the direction of the screams. “STOP!” I screamed to Athena. She pulled over reluctantly beside the boys. “Get in” she said sharply. Before the boys had fully squished in she took off again, faster this time. 

We were nearly at the turnoff to get on the street of the school when we could see the zombies in the distance. They were in a mob slowly chasing the people that were too slow to make it away from them. When they were close enough they bit into them tearing away flesh from their bodies. The was blood going everywhere coving most of the zombies and each new zombie made was faster than the one that made it. We turned the corner when they were only one street away and made it to the school before they caught up to us. 

We parked the car as close to the school as we could and ran up to the entrance to the ‘a corridor’. “It’s locked” Jack yelled to us.

“What no it can’t be?” Athena shouted. Com just pushed past Jack and picked the lock. He then walked over to the fire alarm and deactivated it as well as the one that alerted the police to a break in. 

“You have to teach me how to do that” Jack said awed. 

“Why are we here? What the fuck is going on?” Damon yelled uselessly.

“Stop swearing Jack is only 11!” Stein said angrily. Just to shut him up I explained what was going on. Why are boys so annoying?? Athena and Stein scouted the section of school we were in. 

“It’s empty thank god.” Athena said calmly when she got back. “Com can you please hack into the computer system and see if you can find out what is going on? Stein, Damon, Christian and Carlie can you all please bring in everything from the car if it’s safe and ditch the car then barricade the rest of the windows and doors? Jack can you help Com and I am going to see what we can use in here and if there is any food” Athena commanded in a calm reasonable voice. She was really polite and because of that everyone listened to her without complaints… well Damon complained a little but that was to be expected. 

About two hours later we all came together in one of the rooms when we had finished securing the building. Com had found out that most of the centre of Ballarat was infected and it was spreading fast. There were also parts around the world that were infected too. The virus was spreading around that world and in a few weeks there won’t be any more humans left.

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