Chapter 20 - Carlie

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There were hundreds of zombies surrounding the entire building, all looking in the same direction, staring up to a man standing up the front. He was wearing an old torn up lab coat that was no longer white but grey with dirt. His grey hair was sticking up in a range of wild angles and he was pale. He looked genuinely like a mad scientist. There were three other zombies standing on the front steps with him, two of them I didn’t know but the third was Damon! He was just standing there with a blank expression not looking at anyone or anything in particular. I couldn’t help the tears that came running downing my cheeks. I stood away from the edge and the others so I could have some time to think and became really angry. All I could think about was getting back at the man that caused this. I walked down from the roof and went behind the warehouse. I stalked closer to the zombies and their creator from behind.

“There is a resistance against our cause! They have threatened our whole operation! We need to destroy that resistance so that we can move ahead with our plans!” The Creator announced. I crept closer to the stage where Damon was. I was so close now I could see them but something was wrong. There were now only two zombies on the stage… Damon had gone! Then I felt hands grab me from behind. I tried to break away but they held me too tight. I could tell it was a zombies hands because they were sticky and decomposing. The zombie pulled me out onto the stage where the creator was.

“Ahh speaking of the resistance here one of them are now.” The Creator joked.

“This one is Carlie.” Damon stated in a cold dead voice. No longer was he the man I thought I loved

“Is she now? This could work out really well” The Creator said menacingly. “Tie her up!”


There were more zombies in Ballarat than I ever assumed! They were everywhere! There was no way the seven of us… wait there were only six on the roof! Where was Carlie?! I looked around but she wasn’t up here.

“Where’s Carlie?” I asked Christian.

“Isn’t she up here?” He asked back.

“No I can’t see her.” I answered worriedly.

I wasn’t paying attention to what the Creator was saying I was trying to find Carlie! I didn’t pay attention until the boys gasped. Carlie was on the steps getting tied up next to the Creator by Damon!

“For the rest of the resistance if you don’t want to see your precious Carlie turned into one of my minions you will come down here now!” He threatened. All of the boys turned and looked at me. I just nodded in defeat. The six of us climbed down from the roof and solemnly walked towards the stage.

The zombies parted for us but snapped at our necks and growled. I was in the lead and first up on the little makeshift stage.

“Nice to see you all. All of this was so much easier than I was expecting getting you all here. So easy in fact I may have a little bit of fun with you all first.” He said with a dark smile.

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