Chapter Six

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On Sunday morning, Ayesha woke up bright and early for brunch at Mayor Jensen's house. Ever since she was little, her family went there every Sunday to engage in jovial conversation while eating expensive food. Since Tash went missing, her parents had stopped attending, preferring to focus on work 24/7. But Josh Jensen, her best friend since forever, had refused to let Ayesha skip out on any of the brunches. In fact, he didn't let Ayesha skip out on anything. He had made it his mission to ensure that Ayesha recovered from her sister's disappearance, and she was thankful to him for not giving up on her when all she did was curl up inside a pit of depression and misery. Mayor Jensen was almost like a second father to Ayesha, and Josh had become a part of her family.

She drove to the Jensen mansion with her windows down, speeding through the quiet streets of Rosetown, her shiny black BMW emitting only the slightest of growls. Her apartment was near the town centre, so she had become accustomed to the bustle, but now, driving through her old neighbourhood, she appreciated the peace and quiet. She had almost forgotten how tranquil it was. The wind in her face refreshed her, and she felt the case slowly fading from her mind- for now. She didn't want to go to brunch sullen and preoccupied, so she made a conscious decision to forget the case until she left. She even turned her phone to silent.

The sun was peeking through the clouds, signalling the start of the much anticipated summer season. Already, the mornings were hot and muggy, making everyone feel more lethargic than energised.        

Ayesha wore a simple, loose flowing white tank top over a pair of dark skinny jeans- brunch at the Jensen's had expensive food and fancy table settings, yes, but everyone dressed casually.

She slowed down to a crawl when she saw the topmost spires of the grand Victorian mansion that served as Rosetown's Mayor Jensen's residence, and turned slowly onto a gravel driveway. She waited a second for the gates to open before driving down the incredibly long driveway. The trees lining the driveway made the place seem cold, and Ayesha shivered slightly, already missing the heat of the sun. She pulled over in front of the large, wooden double doors and turned her car off. Before getting off, she glanced in the mirror. Her sunken eyes stared back at her and Ayesha internally cringed at the state of her hair. The wind had not done her any favours. She jumped out of the car, and stood there for a minute, setting her hair. From her position, she could just see the low buildings of the Rosetown Retirement Home, and beyond that, the roof of her own childhood home. She wondered what her parents were up to now- would they expect her to visit, just like they did every Sunday, only to be disappointed that she didn't turn up? Ayesha knew she ought to visit them, but that house only reminded her of Tash, and it didn't help that her parents wore their mourning like a second skin.

She turned away from the view of her house and walked towards the double doors, which were already opening to reveal a grinning Josh. She took him in as he stood there. A weak ray of sunlight peeked through the trees and lit up his short, blond hair, and Ayesha couldn't help but noticing that he looked like a beacon of light. It's fitting, she thought, since he was always there to light up my darkness. He held his arms out and she went to him, placing her head on his broad chest. He hugged her tight, and kissed the top of her head and she inhaled his scent- a mixture of coffee and expensive cologne. Josh always felt like a safe place, and even though she saw him often, the intervals between seeing her best friend always seemed too long.

"Hey, Pookie," he murmured, using the silly nickname from the time they were seven years old, "how are you?"

She stepped away from him and smiled. "I'm fine, Josh. Kinda hungry though."
He grinned at her and stepped away from the door way, bowing dramatically as she entered the house. Closing the door behind him, he spoke softly- "Wait, Ayesha, I need to talk to you."

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