Chapter Nine

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Marie's demeanour became almost robotic as she recounted that terrible evening. Her voice was firm, and the tears in her eyes had dried, but her fists were clenched tightly. The only thing betraying her pain.

One month ago, just two weeks after Jeffrey Stiles' hearing, Marie was working late submitting insurance forms for a resident that had been hospitalised. She was the only one in the administration building, save for Jeffrey Stiles, who always cleaned the floors in the evenings. He entered the reception area while Marie was in the records room, and unbeknownst to her, he locked the both of them in. When Marie exited the records room, she was jumped by Stiles. He held his arm around her neck until she passed out, and when she woke up again, she was on the floor. Her clothes were torn, there was a terrible ache between her legs, and Jeffrey Stiles had vanished.

Ayesha didn't want to leave Marie behind, but Lockwood had grabbed her by the elbow and almost dragged her away from the sobbing woman. Marie did not want to formally report her assault, and Ayesha couldn't force her to. Marie did, however, go to a women's clinic in town to get a rape kit done before she decided not to report the crime. The clinic would have the records of this, and a sample of the rapist's DNA.

It frustrated Ayesha that women like Marie could not report sexual crimes in fear of societal and professional consequences. It made her want to punch a hole in the wall. But she reigned in her anger, and instead gave Marie the number to a counselling centre, and her own number, just in case Marie wanted to talk. Marie assured them that she was fine, that she was relieved now that Stiles was dead, but Ayesha saw the pain behind those assurances, and when Ayesha left the retirement home, she did so with a heavy heart.

A large part of her was now thankful to the killer for murdering Stiles. Ayesha couldn't think of anyone more deserving of such a brutal end. She was glad that Jeffrey Stiles was dead- glad that he would never be able to touch a woman ever again. Although Ayesha thought that the world was better off without Jeffrey Stiles, she still had a killer to catch. She still had to get justice for the many other men who were killed.

"You okay?" Ayesha had almost forgotten that Lockwood was walking next to her. He had silently fallen into pace with her.

She looked at him and saw a pained expression on his face.

"I'm fine. Are you?"

He shook his head, "No. I wanna kill Stiles for what he did, but I can't, because he's already dead."

Ayesha didn't say anything, and they walked across the parking lot in a brooding silence.

The station was a bustle of activity when they returned. Apparently, the media had gotten wind that the murders they were investigating could possibly be the work of a serial killer.

"You guys cannot mess this up," a voice piped up from behind them. Ayesha turned around. Captain Fowler had just entered the station, a cup of coffee in her hand. She looked exhausted. Her blouse was wrinkled, and she had her glasses on, which only served to make her stare more severe.

"The mayor has been on my ass all morning, and the damn reporters won't stop calling. I think I'm gonna make no comment my quote of the year." Fowler ran a hand over her bald head and sighed. "I'm trusting you guys to handle this case properly. Everyone is busting my ass to put someone more experienced on this case, but I know what the two of you are capable of. So don't let me down, okay?"

Ayesha flushed and stood up straighter, feeling slightly chuffed that her captain had so much faith in her.

"We won't let you down, cap."

Fowler nodded solemnly.

"You better not. Keep me updated," and with that she walked past Ayesha, her heels clicking on the wooden floor as she entered her office. Ayesha watched as Fowler slammed her door shut and pulled the blinds over the windows. Ayesha turned to Lockwood, who had remained silent during the entire exchange. His face was pale, and he looked like he wasn't even breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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