The Hope

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Nakita Demot sat on the edge of a dusty cliff. This was her place. The place where her Powers were the strongest. Where she felt like she belonged. In this garden of terror and sadness also know as the very ground she walked on. Ralice came up behind her, Ralice's navy blue hair was singed at the ends and her eyes were a firey crimson. She had been her sensei for as long as she could remember.

"Time for meditation." She harshly spoke. Nakita was used to this treatment as the only person she had ever met was Ralice. Nakita brushed her hand on her thigh and a wave of freezing cold water hit her in the head like a hammer. Although she felt this sensation every day it never got any less painful. But Ralice had taught her that she deserved the pain. She was dangerous and no one in this world would ever want her. They wouldn't have banished her if they did not think that. Nakita dried her self off and met Ralice near a big oak tree.

"Here sensei" Nakita whispered quietly. Ralice glared at her stabbing her eyes into Nakita's.

"Why is your hair loose on your shoulders? Have I NOT told you to keep those wretched strands of wire out of your eyes? You need to see if your going to be any use to me."

"Yes sensei." Nakita grabbed a leather strap off of her wrist and pulled her short blond hair into a tight bun. Ralice nods and begins to stare at her. Nakita knew what Ralice was doing as it was part of her training, suddenly her whole body felt as if it was on fire. Thus Ralice's power.

Nakita begins to levitate herself. She hears nothing, sees nothing, feels nothing. This stage is called the light. It is the feeling that people get before they pass on. Instead Nakita has learned to control everything about this state of calm. It could feel like she was in there for a couple minutes and it actually be several days,hours or just minutes. No matter how long she is in it always feels the same amount of time. She breaks away from the trance and stands up to go to the next stage of her training day.

Nakita and Ralice walk to the lush fields of Dementer. There were giant sunflowers and other varieties of flowers and plants. Nakita had never been taught what beauty or ugly was. She never got to say her opinion of anything. So she decided not to have one. Her clothes always looked the same and each day she ate the same food and did the same things. The one person she knew mentally abused her. So she never wanted to ask questions or speak up. Yet, Ralice had never laid a finger on her. As mad as she got she would never hit her. Or as sad as she got Ralice would never hug her.

As she walked through the fields it gave her peace and tranquility. That was important in her training. Nakita would like to know what exactly she was train to be. Yet every time she dares to say a word to Ralice about it she gets yelled or screamed at. So she decided to just keep quiet. When she got to the wall of Eden, Ralice stepped away quietly this was the one part of her training where she had to be alone. Eve would only talk to her. When she walked farther and farther near the wall. She glanced to she Eve glaring at her.

"Hello my spirit." Nakita declared. Eve nodded her head and sent a thought to her mind. When it sinked in Nakita ran back to The Cliff.

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