The Accomplice

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Nakita followed the path to the Wall Of Eden as carefully as she could. She would take this path everyday so it was a usual thing for her. She tripped on a open root and fell to the ground. She felt a hot, sharp pain on her hands and chin. She picked the gravel out of the palms of her hands and used the sleave of her shirt to wipe her chin. The world was much different without vision. She could suddenly hear everything around her. As she made her way through the garden that leads to the wall, she felt around for a long stick to be her guide. Nakita heard every sound as she walked through the garden and out through the fields. 

"Eve!" She called not knowing what direction she was calling to. 

"I'm not Eve but I think I can help you, if you let me." She heard a deep voice say. It was kind but still rough. Nakita had never heard someone speak this way.

"Who are you?" She asked trying to sound brave. But she wasn't, she was far from brave. This moment was the worst possible time for her to have to face someone. She was the most vulnerable she could ever be. Nakita was stripped of her right to see. She was not ready for anything new when she had a hard time coping with all the familiarity around her. 

"Well if we are putting on labels you can call me Jack." The voice said. "Now what's your name?" 

"My Sensei calls me Nakita." She replied 

"Why do you have a blindfold covering your eyes? It asked.

"I was blinded. By my Sensei." Nakita said simply. She couldn't go in to details. She felt a brush on her shoulders. "Get you hands off of me!" She screamed throwing  the person on to the ground.

"Woah! I came here to help you. I'm sorry if I hurt you in some way." The voice defended

"Can I see you?" Nakita asked putting her hands in front of her. She could feel a wiry goat-ee and thick eyebrows. She figured it was a man. She had never met a man before. This was new territory. After she pulled her hands away, Jack led her through a jungle of some sort. The air was bitter and she could hear animals and insects everywhere she moved. Nakita's hand brushed some plants and flowers, each was soft to the touch. Jack whistled as the leaves crunched under her sandles. The whistle started with a slow start and then it became louder and faster. Nakita wanted to dance to the the sound of the music. Her heart sunk in to her chest when he stopped. 

"Why did you stop?" She asked moving her hand up to his shoulder. She could feel his short hair, she imagined it to be brown, and his eyes green, she could picture his face in her mind. she decided not to so she could have her dream accomplice. 

"I only stopped because we are here." He said slowing down his steps. He described the sight to Nakita. "There are green rolling hills and a pink and yellow sunset, and if you look close enough you can see a small village on the horizon line."


Hello! Thanks so much for reading this far! I appreciate every single one of my Readers. I love you guys so much! So if you like this chapter add a vote and leave a comment. 

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