The New

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Nakita was led through tall and dry grass. She slipped a couple times but Jack always caught her. She wished she could just look at his face and see the sunset he was descibing. She had only known him for a few moments but she thought he was very kind.

"How did you find me?" She asked.

"When I saw you, I followed you everyday and watched that women torture you. I needed to find the right moment to rescue you but when she blinded you I had enough and I took you." Jack said placing his rough hand on her shoulder.

"Who are you? For real?" Nakita asked stopping her pace.

"My name is  Jackin Peter Mandrolfitz. I was a Doctor in the Sahum war. I was sent on a mission to find you and bring you to the Consit Base. We need to end this war." He said. Nakita knitted her eyebrows.

"What can I do? I am a blinded wimpy girl who hasn't even finished her training yet." Nakita's hair fell out of the bun. She reached to pull it back up but before she could Jack grabbed her hair and did it for her. He was gentle but it was a suprise since she didn't see him. She could smell his scent as he leaned over her. His warm breathing hit the top of her head.

"You are one of the most powerful people on this earth. We can't end this without you." He whispered.

"If I am the most powerful person on earth then surely I can tie my own buns can't I?" She asked smirking. He placed her hand on his arm and kept walking. Jack kept her updated on the whereabouts of the sun. When it was setting, Jack sat her down on a log and made dinner from a rabit he shot on the walk. Nakita had never had anything except cold porage Ralice made. They had almost made it to the next town on the horizon but Jack said they should rest. The forest is a different place when it's dark he had said. Jack handed Nakita a plate. She breathed in the lureing smell of rabbit. She touched it. It was warm. Something Nakita had never eaten was warm food. When she took a bite her whole body felt warm. The meat was dry and wasn't seasoned but it was the best thing Nakita had tasted. She started to feel tired shortly after. Jack wanted to take a look at her eyes. He slowly peeled off her blindfold and sighed.

"You won't be able to see again that's for sure but we don't want you getting an infection do we?" He said. "This may sting a small bit." Nakita didn't feel a thing. Jack said she had nerve damage all around her eyes. Which wasn't tecnically a bad thing since she would be in severe pain if she wasn't


I am deeply sorry I haven't been updating as much as I would hope. I have been busy and I recently went temorarily blind myself sooo.....yah. Anyways, I will update more I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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