Test No.2 Strategy

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The next test was to do with strategy and I was up next. I felt the butterflies in my stomach start to dance and spread their wings. I thought that I would be disqualified from what I had done to Tai, "No" I thought "They said that I had the best scores and anyway they needed a tough person who can handle guys like him."

"Next!" Came a booming voice from out side my tent.

As I went inside, I saw a ring, alot like the sparring ring before but much bigger.

"So what happens is that I get you into a situation and you come up with a solution." The 'leader' was stood in the ring with a small smile.

"Oh, come on." I groaned, "I thought this was going to be challenging." I jeered at him and then as quickly as his smile appeared it disappeared.

"Well then shall we start?" He asked me as if I was three and then pointed to the opposite side of him.

"Yeah if you want to get beaten again then sure." Do you think I was little bit harsh. So I took off my jacket, walked passed Reese(who seemed a little shocked) and entered the ring.

"Rules: The are no rules. Key point never take your eyes off your enemy," Reese composed himself and then muttered under his breath, "Which ever one that is. NOW fight!"

We encircled each other for about two minutes and then he was the first one to make a move, again for the second time today. Does this boy never learn.

It was about the third time going round in a circle when I realised that Reese never said anything about weapons. That split second I see the 'leader' put his left hand behind his back, pull out two Emerald Assassin Throwing Knives. I duck, dodge and weave as I feel the wind of the knives gliding passed my head.

Once I see that he has run out of throwing knives, I seize the chance and rush in, but unbeknownst to me his right hand has concealed another weapon. A Kyoketshu Shogei Knife. Then without remorse he plunges it into my side.

Even with the knife being repeatedly stabbed into me, I still don't give up and eventually I get him to the ground. As I get up, I see 4 faces staring at me in disbelief, only then do I see the knife sticking out of my side. I won't lie it hurt like hell.

All of a sudden I begin to see black spots in my vision and then I look at Reese to see that he now has 6 eyes, 3 noses, 3 mouths and 3 heads. What was on that knife?! I wondered before throwing my entire body weight onto the 'leader', who is off the ground and very unsuspecting as he thought he had beaten me so he fell back down.

I know not to pull the knife out but at this moment I don't care, so I pull it out of my side and aim right for his head. He ducks, narrowly missing the sharp blade coursing through his skull. I punch him until I feel his nose break and he slips away into unconciousness as I pinch the pressure point on his neck. An old trick my dad showed me.

Throughout this whole time, all I saw was red. Dripping red down the corners of my eyes and my fingers were locked in a position that was deadly.

I felt someone pull me away and I turn to see that the person is Reese. He's holding me close to him and saying things that my mind can't comprehend. Then I suddenly felt tired and started to sway slowly. My head dropping and my eyelids getting heavy, I went lump in Reese's arms, letting darkness take me into its blanket of dreams.

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