part 6: the way home

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When we got back to the hotel I was exhausted. I got my diaper changed as soon as possible, which was pleasant. It was almost night already and I decided to go to bed early. I thought to my self as I drifted to sleep. I knew my parents weren't letting me out of diapers anytime soon. I knew they were gonna force me to use them. My mom seems to think it's amusing, but what can I do. The next morning I woke up early, everyone was asleep. I had to go poop and pee really bad. Screw it, I thought to myself. I didn't want to go to the bathroom and take off my diaper. I might as well make diapers a convenience. Just like that I went on myself. I fell asleep again. I woke up an hour or two later, my mom was surprised I had soiled myself in my sleep.

We were spending another two days in town so we decided to go see a movie with the family. My parents decided to pick the most boring movie unfortunately. I knew I'd be bored so I got an extra large soda and popcorn and some more snacks on top of that. Half way through the movie I had to pee, I was about to get up to go to the bathroom, but then I remembered my diaper. The warmth was actually nice, and it was convenient not having to walk out. A few minutes later I went again, and then another time. When the movie was over my diaper was sagging a lot but at least I was wearing a skirt so nobody would know.

We visited all the sights to see and I came to like using the diapers in the end. I used them day and night. The flight back was a breeze and I didn't sit on a toilet once. When I got home I had 5 days left on break, so I was still in diapers. I stayed at home most of the time but there were a few accidents in particular I remember.

I was at the mall with my mom once. I was just walking around a department store, looking through clothes. I don't remember what I ate that day but I felt a pressure in my stomach. I ignored it. As we were checking out suddenly I felt the whole soggy mess slide out into my diaper. This was the first genuine poop accident of many to come. By the end of the break I wet the bed almost every night, and had daytime accidents frequently. By accident I mean going on myself without consciously knowing, which was actually quite scary. Even more scary was going back to school, in diapers, which had some funny stories, which I might tell another time. Eventually I stopped wearing diapers but I had the occasional bedwetting or daytime accident especially on long drives. And of course, I have worn diapers on trips since then, but again, those are stories for another time.

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