2. Why are you here?

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When I started to regain my consciousness, I immediately felt sick. Sunlight hit my face and it made me uncomfortable.
I looked around and saw that I was in a moving cart.
Ugh!! I hate vehicles.
I looked around a little more and saw a familiar face, brown eyes and red hair smirking back at me. Then I realized what situation I was stuck in. I was asking information on the bandits. I had got nothing and when suddenly the man with red hair, Kaein, said his friend, Yukijo with the grey eyes, had some information, I had let my gaurd down. Because of that and my carelessness I didn't detect the drug Kaein had slipped in my drink. And that was all last night.
Erza's gonna kill me.

Now I'm stuck here facing my punishment, sitting in the back of a moving cart helplessly.
"Your finally awake?" Kaein said coming closer to me.
He picked me up by my hair and brought my face near mine.
"Now tell me. Why did you want to know about the bandits? And do yourself a favor and don't lie or tell something stupid like 'personal interest?' he said literally spitting on my face.

I would tell them something if I could but I felt sick and I wanted to throw up very badly.
"Come on~ don't be scarred. You can tell us," he said just before throwing me back on the ground.
Geez! I swear if we weren't on the cart, he would be dead meat by now.
"Leave her," said the other man in the cart. His eyes were closed an his arms were crossed over his chest. He had platinum blonde hair.
"She has motion sickness," the man said opening his eyes. He had grey eyes... Yukijo!

"H-how... d-did you... kn-kn-know?" I said trying not to puke my guts out.
"The part where Kaein said about me having multiple connection around town wasn't wrong," he stated.

"Anyways you wanted to know about the bandits, didn't you?" Kaein said.
"Well here is some information. We three are part of the bandits," he said snickering.
I acted surprised but I had already figured that out.
I could jump off the cart and easily defeat them. For some reason they haven't put any type of restrictions on me except for a chain on my left foot, which I can easily freeze and shatter, they are either very stupid or they just don't know that I'm a wizard. But I am sure that they are taking me to their leader, which is what I want. So I guess this is okay but the travelling is still torture.

I sat there trying to calm down my intestines with encouraging words while Kaein in smirking and taunting me. Yukijo on the other hand slept through the whole thing.
The air around me soon felt cold and chill like we were on the mountains. Suddenly a gruff voice from outside said,"Hey Kaein! Wake Yukijo up and get the girl ready. We're almost there."
"Sure thing, Hiro," Kaein replied.
He quickly woke Yukijo and unchained my leg but he immediately kept a tight grip on my hands.

My body was weak even after the vehicle stopped. Kaein pulled me roughly by my hand and dragged me out of the cart.
"Come on sweety. We don't want to keep our leader waiting," Kaein said looking down on me.
We were surrounded by the snow covered mountains. The cool breeze hit my body and I breath in the chilled air. My body gains more energy as I am surrounded by ice and snow. I am an ice dragon slayer after all.

I didn't speak anything. I only observed the three of them and their movements. When they aren't looking at me I keep taking a bite out of the snow and ice around me. Slowly I regained all my energy and strength.

Hiro was leading, followed by Yukijo and Kaein was in the end dragging me. And he wasn't being particularly careful about how he dragged me.
Argh! I hate this guy. I swear once I find their leader, he is going to be the first one I knock out.

After a few minutes of being treated like a sack of wheat, Kaein finally stopped in front of a huge rock.
Yukijo muttered a few inaudible phrases and the rock started moving towards it's right, revealing a huge enterance.
While waiting for the enterance to completely open, I stood up so that there would be no more dragging and I can walk on my own.

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