7.Crime Sorcière

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"Can someone send us back in time for once," Gray complained.
"3 months training wasted," Natsu complained.
"Just because we spent one day the the other world," Happy added with not much added enthusiasm.
"Hey guys, don't complain so much. Maybe if we still train we can get closer to the others," I said training to cheer them up.
"Easy for you to say. You got in at least 2 months of training," Lucy said still pouting and sulking.

I guess she is right. I have 2 months of training more than them. The other Fairy Tail Tenrou island members have 3 months of training more. And the other guilds have 7 years of training more than them.

"May be we can just sit in the sidelines while everyone else competes in the games," Levy said to which Juvia sighed.
"How am I supposed to catch up with Lily when he has a three month lead," Happy said, surprising Wendy and Carla.
"I didn't know you cared about that," Carla said.
"Oh yeah, when are we going to meet Panther Lily, Yuki?" Ai asked me.
"She knows Lily!?" Happy asked curiously and surprised.
"Now that I think about it. Why do I have the feeling that I've seen you somewhere before?" Carla asked.
"You must have seen me in Edolas. And for how I know Lily. I don't really know him. He had saved my life once before and I want to thank him for that," Ai said, resting on my shoulder.
"Wait! Maybe Yukiko is right. It's not too late we still have 5 days to train. It'll be hell on Earth so prepare yourselves." Erza said with a dangerous, scary and red aura around her.
Lucy and Gray didn't exactly look like they wanted hell. Can't blame them. I think anyone wants to die.

Well except me and Natsu.
I wanted to kick in a little more training in.
"Sounds good to me," I said the an icy blue aura around me.
"Do your worst Erza. I'm ready to feel the burn," Natsu said already ready to fight and he had an orange fire-y aura around him.

"That's the spirit, Natsu and Yukiko. We'll start with some running," Erza said.
But then she suddenly stopped and feathers were falling around her.
Then we noticed a carrier pigeon on her her... dancing (?) with a note attached to one of it's legs.
Natsu suggested that it could be a love note and just then Juvia was getting full of herself and told that Gray should have given the note directly to her... Cute.

Happy read the note out loud,"Here we go, 'Hey Fairy Tail, you better come to the broken suspension bridge on the Western hill'."
Happy read the the note part a little threateningly. Which I think might be a little misleading but I go with it either ways.

"Dumb note's not the boss of us," Natsu said arrogantly.
"No kidding. I don't care for their tone. Not one bit," Gray said agreeing with Natsu.
"What should we do?" Wendy asked.
"Ignore it of course," Carla said.
"I think we should go there," Erza said Erza said crossing her arms and nodding her head.
"I agree with Erza," I said. Maybe we can get some action and if the opponent if strong enough we can call it a training.
"Sounds like a trap to me," Levy said sounding worried.
"I'm with Levy. This has trap written all over it," Lucy said bringing her face close to Erza's and mine.
"Well... we'll just have to see," Erza said standing by her decision.
"Sweet I was really hoping shell say that," Natsu said.
"Me too," I agreed with Natsu and we bumped our fists and smirked at each other.

"Last person to reach the bridge is a rotten egg," I said to Natsu and stared running.
"No fair, you got a head start," Natsu complained but still smiled as he tried to catch up with me.
"Hey, don't you think it's dangerous," I heard Lucy yell as she was about to stop us.
"Don't even try. It's useless. They've always been like this," Erza said stopping Lucy.

I reached the bridge first and saw nobody there. Natsu reached just after me.
"Looks like your the rotten egg," I said panting a little.
"Why isn't there anybody here?" Natsu asked and totally ignoring me.
"Don't know?" I shrugged and said totally ignoring the fact he ignored me.
"Those cowards must have taken off," Natsu said hitting his own hand.
"Geez, I was really hoping for a fight. It could've been a good training," I said disappointed.
"Why are you always looking for a fight?" I heard Wendy from behind us.

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