8. The Twin Dragon Slayers

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The next day we arrived in the flower blooming capital of Fiore, Crocus for the Grand magic games which will start the next day.
The place was full of wizards and non wizard, participants and non participants- all who are eagerly waiting for the games to begin.
At the heart of it all, stands the king of Fiore's castle, the Flower Light Palace- Mercurius.
Sitting on top of a mountain to the west of the city is Domus Flau, the colosseum where the Magic games are held.

And now lost in the city, was our team- Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Erza, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Aimi and I.
Everyone except Erza, Aimi and myself were on the floor, still experiencing the after effects of opening the second origin.

Wendy, Gray and Lucy still doubted the whole thing regarding the second origin and we're complaining.

I was sitting on Erza's luggage mountain dangling my legs as I enjoyed the view of everything. I wasn't in as much pain as Lucy described her to be, getting hit by a train, but my body was still a little sore. I guess I have to think Ai for that. But now she is pretty tired. She has been sleeping on my lap the whole journey and she still is. She was consistently healing the whole time.
"You guys all right?" I asked feeling kind of bad for them.
"Chin up. There is no time for whining," Erza said with a dominating voice.
"How is it you two are totally fine?" Lucy said.
"I bet Erza had her second origin all along,"Gray said.
"That makes perfect sense but want about Yukiko?" Lucy said backing Gray up.
"Yeah, why aren't you feeling like the rest of us?" Gray asked.
"That's thanks to Aimi. She continuously healed during and after the whole process," I said slowly patting Ai head.
"Ooh~ Lucky you," Lucy said.

"I don't think I've ever been in such a humongous city before in my life," Natsu exclaimed.
"Aye," Happy said cutely.
"Yeah, me either," Wendy said agreeing with Natsu.
"It certainly puts Edolas's castle city to shame," Carla said folding her arms.
"I see you kids finally made it," Master came standing in front of us with Bisca, Alzack, Levy, Jet and Droy behind him and Azuka on his shoulders.
"Master!" I exclaimed and jumped off Erza's luggage. My feet did hurt a little due to the sudden jump and soreness but it was barrable and okay.
"We just now finished with the registration process. So let's how everyone why Fairy Tail is the number one guild in Fiore," Master said laughing and pridefully.

As soon as he finished talking someone in the crowd recognized our guild. I was happy for a second for our recognition but then they called us clowns. And they also said that there had to be someone to come in the last place.
"Hey those jerks laughing at us," Natsu said pissed.
"I think I should go and give them a piece of my mind," I said and started to walk but someone held my right shoulder, stopping me. I turned back a saw Erza standing there with a stern face.
"Easy," Erza said making Natsu, too, hold his place.

Me and Natsu growled at them. If Erza wasn't holding my shoulder right now they would be six feet under.
"If anyone wants to laugh at us, they can do it all they want," Master said calmly and not losing his cool.
With that Happy started snickering in front of Jet and Droy, who didn't take it as a joke.
"Don't forget we're doing this for the 30 mil- I mean we're doing this for the honor of being the Fiore's top ranked guild of course. Our founding Master rose for her eternal slumber to save our lives so let's make her proud.," Master said.
I giggled to myself at the Master's slip up but I agreed sincerely with the second part of what he said.

"Now then, we know that the games will begin tommorow but unfortunately we don't know what they'll be," Master said slowly putting Asuka back on her feet.
"What? I thought you guys did this every year," Natsu said surprised.
"Yeah but the games change every year," Alzack said picking up Asuka.
"They like to mix it up. I looked through records from the previous games and there is no real consistency to them," Levy said.
"Well then we'll just have to play it by ear," Natsu said still energetic.
"I hope it's a battle though. I want to show off and see this second origin of mine," I said with a smile on my face.

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